[Plugin] MultiWall Tool v3.1
Hi all,
Here are the english and french versions of my multi-layers wall tool. Feel free to report bugs and comments.EDIT: Patched on 12.29.07 (wall justification bug fix)
EDIT: Patched on 12.30.07 (wall justification bug fix again)
EDIT: Patched on 12.31.07 (wall justification bug fix again)
Please get the latest version from the PluginStore http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=multiwalltool
Unzip in the Plugins folder. PDF doc included.
Version française. Dezipper dans le dossier Plugins. Doc PDF incluse.
Thanks for the script Didier looks good in the manual.. (though it was a bit late for Christmas!)
Thanks Didier, this is a really useful Ruby.
Happy New Year to you.Mike
Thank you!
Happy New Year! -
hi didier,
i am really glad i insisted that you give new life to this wonderful script. it will be very useful to me and to many others, i am sure.
the documentation that you have been including with your latest scripts is exemplary; it really makes it possible for anyone to take the best of your scripts and use it to the full of its capacity.
best wishes and many thanks, again.
Didier thanks!!
this script is fantastic!
if you would, i can translate in Italian languagePS: in next release, you can build a toolbar for this script??
A context menu > Line to Wall would also be fine
and a externali file of language???
What script is that, and where did you get it? Or is it one you have done?
@peweuk said:
What script is that, and where did you get it? Or is it one you have done?
is this Didier Bur's script: http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=153&t=1518
Hmm its not working for me.
Created a new wall style as explained in the great .pdf guide. But when I draw a wall (no matter the method) I only get a simple face (with the width of the first/last layer).
Anyone able to help, seems like a great tool?
Hi Trifid,
Are you on a Mac ?
Please open the ruby console and copy/paste here any error message sent by the command. -
Hmm nevermind
Its somehow working now... not sure what made the difference other than perhaps rebooting the pc. And no, working in Vista 32bit.
Thanks anyways
thanks a bunch. I'll try it out.
I haven't had any luck with cleaning up corners. The wall layers show through the siding layer on the adjacent wall. Please help.
Didier has agreed that I might update some of his scripts in the PluginStore to become v2014/2015 compatible.
Please get the latest version from the PluginStore http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=multiwalltool