Subd and smooth stuff
A place to post your experiments/work with subd and smooth. renders or SU output, no imports please.
Hi Remus,
That ring is cool...and the caustics in the render look really fine.
Is the red ribbon modeled using subsmooth?Good idea to make this thread. I am really curious about the things people will make with it.
Kwistenbiebel -
The whole model was done with subsmooth. I think im goig to let it render over night, jsut to clean it up a bit.
I also want to see what people have managed to do i reckon there's gonna be some good stuff
Very well done remus. Such techniques can work also for designing sculptures. Don't you think so?
Im sure it can do very cool stuff with respect to sculptures, and perhaps even something useful every now and then
Way to go Remus I think this patch will become very interesting Great
Nice work Remus.
Nice one XZY, good to see more people using subd and smooth.
I like the subject, it certainly looks liek a lot of fun to play around with.
If i may, could i suggest a higher depth of field? the closeest bit of the model seems quite out of focus.
@remus said:
Nice one XZY, good to see more people using subd and smooth.
I like the subject, it certainly looks liek a lot of fun to play around with.thanks.
@remus said:
If i may, could i suggest a higher depth of field? the closest bit of the model seems quite out of focus.
Will i like large aperture scenes, it was just a render test, still doing some things in that face.
With this incredible plugin Sketchup has filled up the gap with other organic modelling softwares.
Thanks so much, Whaat...It's shame that knife tool causes crashes whenever you work in parallel projection!
Here is my 5 minutes playing around. Not so good, but I want to post it just to show how simple become creating organic shapes in a couple of minutes.
Thanks again!