Irrespective !
I only look forward to it change to very very quickly !
Your job is great for all SU-FANS,I love you !
Irrespective !
I only look forward to it change to very very quickly !
Your job is great for all SU-FANS,I love you !
Dear Tig:
Here amount only:1001006=60000;slow !!Half an hour past it no finish!
if csv change to xml ?
or other way ?
Thanks again !
Dear Tig:
good job!The CSV reporting is my want,Very slow when reporting ....
Dear Tak2hata:
About It shows piece of component in Model info window ,this is not enough,because budgetary number need XML or EXCEL,Can you copy components number out to XML or EXCEL From MODEL INFO?
In XML,not that every last Group or Component all need volume, area, length, piece,
All Components only piece
Partial Groups only length...For example:Angle iron,steel tube,pipe, and other section bar.
Partial Groups only volume...For example:concrete...
Partial Groups only area...For example:coating of wall;flooring tileon ground...notice:area of faces only that is to be Nominated inside groups,not all faces inside groups.
Budgetary number is important a Part for BIM of project,in project,various material number is multifarious and disorderly,so all need exporting to XML or EXCEL.
This things for BIM of sketchup,Expect Tak2hata and everybody substantial support.
Thanks again!
I think only piece of components could be found in model info window not enough,need exporting XML for budgetary price of project,your plugin is good,hope it change to better powerful.
look here:
amount:200001,this very good,Generate report amount 5000 around inide of sketchup and very very slow,so I enjoy your plugin and love you !
Dear Tak2hata:
exporting XML
Now ,only volume exporting XML,when "area","length","piece" all exporting XML,very nice!
length of section bar (group)....or length of lines-group...
area of faces that TBN To Be Nominated inside group...
piece of components ....
However,YOU are great man for BIM,I love you!
Dear Tig:
Because my English bad,these days along think about that you told me,now,I see what did want to That four options:
Combine your plugin :"Hole punching tool" I think maybe "ANY" is useful only,other three options are no need.
When i opened hole on wall use plugin:"Guide tools+Hole on solid tool",still be beset with difficulties,
if that shadow face can be change to XZ or YZ not along XY,useful for me
That four options relevance to cut opening,cut opening use that shadow face,So that four options maybe relevance to the shadow face,when four options be changed that shadow face be changed also.
This is my thinks,maybe wrong,please tell me sufficient reason!
Thanks tig and everbody! love you!
This shadow face along keep to XY face,Maybe the shdaow face be changed with that four options ,If not so ,what doing that four options want to?
My computer OS,sketchup pro 8.0.11752,when i delete all plugins never change,what happen i don't know!
When i change axes of component:
when make compoment,select list options cann't change,why?
Thank you very much!
your pluhins give me a lot of help!this plugin is great! wish more powerful!
when i going take SU to CAD,Pipe and other line-Group is not change to Single line in CAD,wish Extract lofting path and set up same name group to new layer, One-time choose a lot of line-Groups to change
First,very thanks PILOU,
your way is useful for me,Before no found this way;I long think a plugin:Components onto Faces by ChrisFullmer...maybe very difficult because have normal on faces and no have normal at points,no find normal at points , so components onto points no way.
look forward to someone have better way to do it.
Components onto Faces is great plugin,But...only onto faces....
Now,XML Green and IFC for BIM is Gimmick Full,we need deal with concrete matters relating to work for BIM.
I think must Very very quickly modeling and meticulous and info and ....
Dear Tig:
Yes, I really ask for Zorro+SectionCutFace within each group,now SectionCutFace can create independent group-face,and Explode its group to get the faces,
really,no need group-face,only need face to inside of before group;so with the help of SolidSolver;
Maybe you have a good idea,Tig,Can you help me?
My English no good,but i love sketchup,and Love everybody in here.
Thanks again!
Now,this plugin only used to Group once ,Maybe expand it is useful for many people :
wish this is:
1.Rapid details modeling,maybe no need smooth;
2.every group and comp have a info dialog box;
3.project model to plane drawing (*.dwg)
4.Combinaton generator and counter for valuation (pieces;length;area;volume)
For BIM software:Revit;Archicad;Magicad;Catia;MS;Teklastructures;...,SU to BIM very very nice!
Wish developers take an active part in!
**BIM-SU** :+1: