@unknownuser said:
The two files that jump out at me, and MUST be removed from your 'Plugins' folder are sketchup.rb and extensions.rb - see the "collection's" download page for more details...
can you please direct me to the link?
thank you
@unknownuser said:
The two files that jump out at me, and MUST be removed from your 'Plugins' folder are sketchup.rb and extensions.rb - see the "collection's" download page for more details...
can you please direct me to the link?
thank you
Thanks for your immediate!!! answer, don't you ever sleep?
The OS is Windows7.
I don't get it, why does this stupid machine gives me administrator prerogative to install and run from one hand and takes it back from the other by overighting on it's own.
Dear TIG thanks for a wonderful tool.
I was using it for more than a year with no issues with it's siblings in the plugin folder, until yesterday when it started to crash SU.
I have no ... idea what the commpatibility file means. Please advise.
Thank you and have a nice day
The use of this plugin would unfold the volumes starting from a chosen face or vetex.
Hi to all.
Did anyone write a ruby script resulting with the development of any given volume?
Architecte enseignant aussi, mon outil de predilection etant SU et Podium, j'ai laisse aux autres les divers autocad revit et archicad.
Un grand merci, je me demandais s'il n'etait pas possible de povoir gerer les layers a la facon de archicad. Tu l'as fais. Bravo
Thx to all.
Background was post processed in ps where i added the smoke.
Tomdesk love your renders, we are from the same school. me being 50.
Even better you will find what you need at http://www.ultra3d.com
I think I have what you need.Check uout this site: http://www.e-interiors.net
You need to register it is free.
Why complicate your life when the answer could be easy.
Draw a circle with any amount of edges.You now want to draw a tangent line to this circle.Chose any vertex, it connects two segments, go at the end of those and join them with the tape mesure tool, then slide a //guide line to your chosen vertex you now have a tangent.Et voila