Thanks for the great moldings very useful. One question though. If I want to measure the radius of any of the moldings, how would I go about that. I have tried and cannot get a radii measurement. Thanks
Thanks for the great moldings very useful. One question though. If I want to measure the radius of any of the moldings, how would I go about that. I have tried and cannot get a radii measurement. Thanks
I thank you all for your imput, but I find it very hard to select a color, then try to apply this color to a specific line. I need two hands on the mouse and try clicking for about 10 or more times to get the color to change. I was looking for a quicker way. I cannot see myself doing this for every line color change I am looking to make. Unless I am missing something here, this approach sucks.
I have searched these forums and found nothing, so my question: Can you change the color of lines in su6? Lets say I have drawn 2 boxes. Now I want one to be drawn in black and the other in green. Is this possible? If so how? Thank-You.
I have been working with tech support that you advised and they don't know what to tell me at this point, except as sketchup if they can offer these videos in another format and I have posted this and not heard anything to date.
I downloaded that file and installed it on my pc and it did nothing. No help there. All the movs I have downloaded from the sketchup site just blink, flash, etc and are not viewable.
Thanks for all you help.
Oh I am so sorry, I did not pay attention to that memo. Ok I downloaded it to my hd , now how to I get it to my VLC viewer?
No I did not. what do I do with it after I download the file?