An example of Visualizer1.3 enhanced mode.
This mode can often result in very bright single pixels also known as "fireflies" caused by an extremely bright light source like the sun.
The despeckle noise reduction feature is there to help remove them.
The back wall in this scene is assigned a material with a name that includes the word "mirror" for sharp reflections.
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
yes imagemagick is way old school(so am I) and command line but its free ...
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
Hi Pilou,
Working on animation but the changes are not ready yet.
Here is a sample animated gif made with Visualizer and imagemagick.
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
Thanks Rich.
Hopefully people will find it useful.
Im working on adding rendering of animation sequences particularly useful for turntables.Im liking the pluginstore stats available for developers.
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
Ok I see its in the pluginstore.
I updated the image but it doesn't seem to be appearing in the more-info section.
Does that take some time to update. -
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
I installed it into the plugin store but I don't see it in the list of plugins as yet.
thanks for your help -
RE: Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
Hi Rich,
Thanks for your comment and I would like to add it to the PluginStore but I cant find any help on the procedure.
Scene exporter add on extension for Visualizer
VSE_VisualizerSceneExporter on the extension warehouse provides the ability to specify render times and save multiple scenes.
SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Your library of custom third-party extensions created to optimize your SketchUp workflow.
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Hi Driven,
I didn't think of using color by layer set to black.
Problem is, this mode doesn't effect the background sky in Visualizer.
So you could get something like the attached image.
Even if you use Visualizer a second time, as I suggested, could potentially result in edge fringing. Visualizer processes a saved image with alpha to minimize edge fringing and this would not happen in a de-speckled render.willanie
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Hi Driven,
Interesting suggestions, but I don't think they are a better workaround then rendering Visualizer twice.
In fact, making an alpha channel outside of Visualizer may result in some edge mismatch.
The creation of the alpha channel in Visualizer was refined to the point where compositing in paint software like Gimp or Photoshop works without any edge fringing.willanie
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Sorry pilou that's the only workaround.
RE: Visualizer
monsieur Pilou,
Il est fantastique , vous avez traduit le site Web entier.
Excusez mon français canadiennes. -
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Hi Vidy and Pilou,
Yes unfortunately the alpha channel is disabled when using the de-noising or de-speckling.
The save file dialog (the icon is a small arrow head pointing down next to the file folder icon) is greyed out indicating no alpha is produced.
One terrible workaround is to render without de-noising to obtain an alpha channel and render again with de-noising for the RGB channels.willanie
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Another example of enhanced mode with de-speckling.
This sketchup file was posted to the warehouse by user Rollie W. called GLASS TABLES IN HOUSE DISPLAY. I changed to the floor from a light carpet to the built in Tile-Ceramic-multi material. Rendered for about 20 minutes on my desktop computer.
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Hi easykhan,
There is no way to change the color of the sky and ground. Its based on a procedural sun_sky shader that changes based on time of day and year. However you can use a large sphere or cylinder with a sky image. You may want to turn off shadow casting for that object.
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Visualizer1.3 has an enhanced materials mode ... its the icon at the top of the window that looks like an arrow line reflecting. Enhanced material mode recognizes many of the built in Sketchup materials and assigns appropriate reflection settings. As always ease of use is the goal so its all auto magic settings but if you want to tweak things take a look at this link for a brief but concise description. an example image render with enhanced mode on.
When enhanced mode is on the glossy reflections will sometimes propagate bright speckles also called fireflies. For this you can use the de-noising modes to filter them out. The de-speckle icon looks like random dots and is next to the enhanced mode icon.
As was mentioned in another post Visualizer1.3 is the last version of this renderer and is now free.
RE: Visualizer
Visualizer 1.3 is now free.
There is a download link and new feature set description here: is an excerpt from the web page:
As part of Imagination Technologies’ longer term plans and investment to bring interactive ray-tracing to a mainstream mobile audience , we’ve decided to focus the Visualizer development team’s expertise on helping us bring a new generation of graphics chip technology to market. Unfortunately, there’s so much to do we’ve had to do this at the expense of ceasing all further development of the Visualizer product line.
Our final release 1.3 of Visualizer for SketchUp is the most capable yet, and we think every one of our thousands of Visualizer fans will want to use it. We have no plan for further changes to Visualizer for SketchUp beyond our 1.3 release.
RE: Visualizer for SketchUp
Hi john,
Please try out the latest Mac download which fixes this issue.
@driven said:
the latest download is crashing both v13 and v14 on my mac...
are any of the dev team members here?