Here's another one. I'm still mostly using SU 4.0.
RE: 3 Animations on Youtube
The church is wonderful. I would prefer that the clerestory windows were larger; the walls are thick enough to pierce through more and still support the roof, and that will allow more light to enter. The small cinquefoil openings are set back too deep to be visible from the pews, but if they are larger they should show up better.
RE: [WIP] Monumental Heart of Rome
So... this begs the question which has gnawed at scholars for centuries....
Was Rome built in a day?
RE: Who is still using SU V5?
I guess I'm a Luddite. I'm still using 4.0.
I did d/l 6.0 yesterday, I'll poke around in it a bit when I get time.
RE: Looks like Google doesn't need SketchUp anymore...
@alan fraser said:
Maybe they'll sell it on to AutoDesk.
bite your tongue!please no, God forbid.
I think a lot of us are wondering what will become of SU, it remains to be seen, but I just hope the @last guys left themselves a backdoor for picking up the SU torch when Google throws it out the back door replacing it with the next best thing.
RE: Marble Fireplace
@tomsdesk said:
Love the marble color...never see before.
Nice work, Tom.Broccatello is a rare one. You'll see it in old churches; there are some magnificent baptismal fonts near the entrance to the Vatican (St. Peters) carved from this marble. It's a variety of Giallo di Siena, the golden yellow slightly transluscent marble from the area around Siena, Italy. (in the Chianti district South of Florence). The broccatello grade has heavy veining, usually purple or brown. I'm able to get hold of an occasional old block, quarried decades ago and hidden away in the back of some marble yards in Italy. When I bought this block it was black from dirt and covered with overgrowth of weeds... but the person who had it knew exactly what it was, he'd been hiding it and saving it a long time.
Here's a photo of a pair of bookmatched panels in this marble.
RE: Marble Fireplace
And here's my finished carved fireplace in the shop, prior to shipping to my client. (well, almost finished; after setting it up I saw some needed modifications, and disassembled it and made the changes. I won't get another set-up photo until it gets installed).
I used Italian antique Broccatello di Siena marble to carve this one.
Marble Fireplace
Here's an SU design I created for a marble fireplace.
[WalterArnold] -
RE: Intersecting a convex and concave curve
Yup, that's it. I knew there was a better method that what I've been doing. I've made the two forms, aligned them, and then drawn all the intersecting lines individually before I start erasing.
The intersect with model bit will save all the annoying parts of the work. Thanks,
P: WalterArnold
Intersecting a convex and concave curve
I'm trying to model a shape where the front bows forward and the bottom bows up, so the concave and convex surfaces intersect.
Is there any easy way to do this? Or do I have to do one face, then build the other by showing the hidden lines and connecting all the lines manually?
(hope the attachment shows, I'm logged on through a proxy and it's blocking the inline image display).
P: WalterArnold