Can somebody actually explain how to use this tool
- Move appears to be some fraction of the movement of the actual control point
- scale is not obvious but once you play around you get the idea, I see the intent although it too is a fraction of the actual scaling so again not sure the value
- etc
I tried playing with the power setting 0, 1, 3, 10....doesnt seem to make a difference
What I would have assumed this does is:
- Add some control points
- If I move / scale the control points, movement / scaling based on power
(ie if power = 1.0...then a 1:1 movement or scaling....power = 10...then 10:1...etc)
ya know, it would be good if a given plugin does what it says it will do
Some guys write solid plugins with good doc (Freddo)... others (to remain nameless) have
some plugins as advertised while others dont deliver even the basics (with some of them
appearing to be an exercise in ruby programming vs providing some actual useful function).
Given this store idea....maybe somebody should have a clearing house on plugins to ensure
quality. Require good doc or (video would be fine but since the videos for this plugin dont load....pointless), ensure the plugin actually does its stated function, etc
I guess its me....who knew that "affecting geometry" did not mean some sort of 1:1 relationship