OK, while waiting on the moderators to post my last findings I looked around the net a bit and ended back at sketucation. One thing I did not do when I tried the other printer was to go into the print settings and select it as the printer to use. I did that and am quite a bit closer now. I need to do some fine measuring to see where I am at with the print at this point. Before I was off a noticeable amount and as I am using this as a template to drill holes in acrylic and the holes have to be ligned up and they are only about 2.5 mm wide, it was not going to work for me and other projects in the future would worry me as well. I think I am set now. If not I will let you all know. By the way, can anyone tell me when I will not have to wait on the moderators to post my messages? I thought I read that only the post will have to go through them and this is my 3rd and waiting on my second to go live. Thanks, John