Sorry , my mistake
the reason is another Plugins
Thanx for ur replied
RE: [Plugin] ExtrudeTools - Full Set
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
Sorry , Shape can't work with [VirtualWind]This One,
not ExtrudeToolsCan U fix this?
ThanX -
RE: [Plugin] ExtrudeTools - Full Set
[Plugin] ExtrudeTools - Zipped Set 20110525 Installed
[Plugin] Shape Bender Beta v0.55 Can't work...
Need Help !!!
ThanX -
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
[Plugin] ExtrudeTools - Zipped Set 20110525 Installed
Shape Can't work...
Need Help !!!
ThanX -
RE: [Plugin] BezierSpline - v2.2a - 22 Apr 21
IF remove cadfather's icon catalog
the BS icon @ SU vanished...when cadfather's and default catalog together,
the icon @ SU can work -
RE: [Plugin] Pipe Tool (UPDATE 3/19/2011)
@builder boy said:
@unclex said:
Anybody can use this plugins?
Upzip it to the Plugins Cata
But Nothing Happening........I don't understand what you're problem is. Can you explain it better?
if i don't change anything, it works
but i want change the PNG catalog,or change the PNG name(ofcouse i changed the file‘s name,too), change ‘ " to mm,it cannot work……
For example
@srad = '6"' change → @srad = ''
piperoom.small_icon="Pipe Room.png" → piperoom.small_icon="PipeRoom.png"
RE: [Plugin] Pipe Tool (UPDATE 3/19/2011)
Anybody can use this plugins?
Upzip it to the Plugins Cata
But Nothing Happening........ -
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
@tig said:
@unclex said:
thanx this wonderful Plugin
but it can not work with TIG's [HolePunchTool] Plugin, if punch was loaded, run Bender, SU would Crashed...I am working on it...
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
thanx this wonderful Plugin
but it can not work with TIG's [HolePunchTool] Plugin, if punch was loaded, run Bender, SU would Crashed...
RE: [Plugin] Hole Punching Tool
it can not work with [ clf_shape_bender ]
after Punch loaded, run the [ clf_shape_bender ], SU Crashed!!!
RE: [Plugin] Compo Spray 1.4.2 Updated
if { mx_hidemanager.rb (C) 2010 by Henry Schorradt } this plugin was loaded,
when set [Allow Collision] no, run CompoSpray
SU8Pro crashed..... -
RE: [plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
@unknownuser said:
@unclex said:
@unknownuser said:
@unclex said:
Can't Choose Materials...
[attachment=0:26db8ugb]<!-- ia0 -->webqq_app.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:26db8ugb]Did you use the demo file?
The name of the materials that you will use for the section need to start with '_' like '_concrete'
The materials are the standard SketchUp materials that are active in the model.I see you work with SU 7, at this moment realSection won't work with v7. I hope I can fix the problem with SU 7 very soon.
thank u replied
i use SU8Pro
i can see the demo's section, but can't use it
and ur plugin can't work with thearender4su plugin
What do you mean with 'can't use it'?
What do you mean with 'can't work with thearender4su plugin'?Perhaps thearender4su plugin is not the reason
sometimes " Define real.... ", it's grey, "can't work", i mean it
sometimes " define real..." is grey, sometimes isn't, it's joking me?but i don't know, how to make section plug worked , i mean show the materials on the section.
RE: [plugin] realSection v0.6 Béta (Updated 9/8/2014)
@unknownuser said:
@unclex said:
Can't Choose Materials...
[attachment=0:ysvaku3o]<!-- ia0 -->webqq_app.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:ysvaku3o]Did you use the demo file?
The name of the materials that you will use for the section need to start with '_' like '_concrete'
The materials are the standard SketchUp materials that are active in the model.I see you work with SU 7, at this moment realSection won't work with v7. I hope I can fix the problem with SU 7 very soon.
thank u replied
i use SU8Pro
i can see the demo's section, but can't use it
and ur plugin can't work with thearender4su plugin
RE: [Plugin] Simple Shell (scaled copy)
Group Many times,but can;t work……
at last
it works on the component……