@JonFar: What does your OpenGL preferences in SU look like? I have nVidia card on my private computer and I have noticed that on fresh install I tend to end up with AA settings which isn't listed in SU's Preferences. In fact it looks like the AA is higher than the 4x SU offer. While it looks nicer I always felt it didn't perform as well. After switching AA to 4x and restarting it was working better. Just a stab in the dark here.
RE: SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
RE: Changes in 2015
@dan rathbun said:
But I disagree! It does NOT return
on ANY of the previous versions back to v8 that I have installed.Confirmed - our source code has always been returning Length objects for Point3d members and Edge lengths.
RE: Changes in 2015
@kaas said:
I just noticed in one of my plugins that loading a single small skp file (to use as a component definition) seems to take almost 1 second whereas the same code in SU 2014 loads the skp instantly.
Is this with any SKP? Can you share that SKP?
RE: Changes in 2015
@kwalkerman said:
In previous versions of SU, x,y and z coordinates of a Point3d were always returned as a float with the units being inches.
Similarly, the length of an edge was always returned as a float with the units being inches.That doesn't sound right. The Point3d class was never changed. And when I test this in SU2014 I'm seeing same results in SU2015 as in previous versions.
` Sketchup.version
` Sketchup.version
` Sketchup.version
Length`If you see different result, can you try with no extensions loaded?
@kwalkerman said:
"Length" with the units being the current model units.
A length store it's value as a float. It's just that the to_s method is different so it will print using the model units.
RE: SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
@hellnbak said:
Don't know if SU2015 will be a big success or another Windows 8, but at least it is breathing new life and an air of excitement back into the forums.
And after the (IMO) lackluster attempts at taking SU forward with R13 and 14, my fears for Sketchup's future after Trimble are now somewhat laid to rest.
They seem to be getting serious about making changes that really matter.
Kudos, Trimble
We're just getting warmed up! It takes time to turn a big boat around.
RE: SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
@pixero said:
Will thumbnail previews on wondows 64bit work now without any third part software?
Yes - the thumbnail handler will now be 64bit if you install the 64bit version. Though I'm not sure if you will see thumbnails in 32bit applications when you use the file dialogs.
RE: SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
@krisidious said:
Well, hello Steve... Nice to meet you.
First time I saw the template figure I thought it was Mike...
RE: Change variable after certain number of loops
@davesexcel said:
Just a side note, is there a "clear All" code that can run at the beginning of this code?
for exampleclear_all#< clears everything on the screen.
In SU2014 and up: just type
RE: Plugins Not Compatible with SU2015-64bit
@juju said:
FFS, why do they keep breaking things? Hopefully this has a good explanation.
Pure Ruby extensions did not break this round - which are most of them. But the extensions that use compiled binaries needs to compile again IF they are to run on 64bit. If anyone install 32bit SU2015 they all extensions should Just Work.
We also have contact with most developers out there and include them in early beta testing. However, many of the extensions that use binaries and need to recompile are more complex ones and they need more time to get their released in place. Within a few weeks we expect most of the popular extensions to be compatible again.
We don't want to break stuff and we do try to minimize the impact - but in many cases we have no alternative. It's an inherit challenge when you have a plugin system.
RE: [Plugin] V-Ray Tools
hm... I'm not sure is aspect ratio is compatible with 2pt perspective... I'd have to check.
RE: How does material color multiplication works?
I would need the deltas, and know whether the material is HSL shifted or tinted - something the Ruby API doesn't expose right now. But we have an issue open to address that.
RE: Constant 4 sec freezing
This is a regression bug in SU2014. Look for a fix in the next release.
RE: Status Text being reset
There is no way to force a statusbar text to stick around. It's normally set by the active tool, but also by menu and toolbar items.
Do you have a sample snippet that demonstrate the issue?
RE: [Plugin] TT_Libยฒ
Are you using the first release of SketchUp 2014? If so, please update to maintenance release 1.
RE: Problems defining a method
Your error message pointed to the last line in your code:
classify (u, apoint, face1)
I suspect it was the space between the method name and parentheses. Especially when you encounter syntax error it's good to go over your code and make sure the code style is consistent. Checking that there are no spaces between parentheses in method calls and making sure you have parentheses around all arguments etc.
RE: Prompting user to select objects while running script
Sounds like you need to implement a custom Tool: http://www.sketchup.com/intl/en/developer/docs/ourdoc/tool
You can make the tool select entities the user clicks on by using the PickHelper class.
Both these classes has examples in the documentation that will get you started.
RE: [Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
We might be able to get some clues to what cause the crash.
Please always submit BugSplats - even if you do not fill in any info. It helps our statistic when we look for highest source of crashes. But it do helps if you enter some info the first time you experience a crash, and some contact info so we can reach out if we need more info. Then if you experience the crash again just keep submitting, but then there is less need for you to fill out details. -
RE: [Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
Did you submit that BugSplat? Did you enter any info in the Description or Name field we can use to look it up by?
RE: Entity ID and Materials!
Ah, yea - there is
- at least in the Ruby API.name
is the unique one that should be used to refer to materials.display_name
should be used only to display the material name to the UI.However, it appear that the C API doesn't quite do that. Let me have a chat with the rest of the team.