Is there a plugin to add more standard camera positions?
Here is what I want to do in any given model I have tried to make an animation for export but given the standard camera positions, I can't quit accomplish the task, I want to do an isometric type of rotation 360° around my model, at an angle of say 60°, if you need more info let me know I didn't do a very good of detailing my question.
More standard camera positions
RE: Non-coplaner "face segments"
I am only guessing here but you may right, base on the evidence, this company has a rather lengthy tutorial on importing the "drawings" into Autocad. So I can assume they used Autocad at least in part.
I am not sure if it was vector or extrusions, I have no way of knowing.
Where do I find these snap controls you refer to? -
RE: Non-coplaner "face segments"
I did some checking on a model I imported, I exploded it into its component parts, then took one part and looked at it very closely, it was a simple desk top.
None of the 12 edges actually went straight along any axis. -
Non-coplaner "face segments"
I have a program to design consoles with, here is my problem, I export the design as a DXF/DWG, when I go to import it in SU, I end up with diagonal lines on every face, if I erase a line the face goes to pieces. If I right click smooth (coplaner or not)it works ok, but if I use the paint bucket I may have to apply paint in several places. Or in another example if I reverse faces both areas on the sides of the diagonal line may reverse opposite so it never goes all "front". Any ideas?, Plugins?