Thanks Gaieus for the link, I tried it and it works with the default video.
I finally saw a video in sketchup!! The problem is that when I tried to put my video in sketch up, the plug in seemed worthless and it just showed the default video , I must be doing something wrong. but still a good link. Wishfull thinking , but I am hoping I get more msg with links or information, so please keep on posting.
RE: Do You think this is possible in sketchup
RE: Do You think this is possible in sketchup
thanks linea for the interesting link. Exporting avi from sketchup importig it into a video
editing program that would allow video mapping into the surfaces, thats what Iam looking
for. There has to be a way to do this or a program that can easily mix both together to create this effect .Granted, the standford students are comming out with a technology that
allows the mapping to be fully embedded in the video , meaning that people can walk infont of the mapped videos. That is complicated and very interesting.but all i want to do is to be able to d it in sketchup. Please anyone?
RE: Do You think this is possible in sketchup
thanks for the reply chris ,that video is a teaser,because we can't download the plugin. I wonder which program could import sketchup files and be able to easily attach videos to walls or curved surfaces.
Anybody else ? with any ideas on how to go about doing this?
Do You think this is possible in sketchup
Ok I am interested in adding video mapping into walls to be seen in sketchup architectural animations.
If you think is not possible then...
How did he do it? -> check it out and reply to this msg.