Where can I find the bundle, and whats included.
It's really hard to find info on this and how to pay etc.
any help would be great
Where can I find the bundle, and whats included.
It's really hard to find info on this and how to pay etc.
any help would be great
Hi All,
This is one I did a few months ago, I have used the plug-in on a few projects, and after some adjustments to my workflow find the plug-in a really useful tool..
The animation highlights a construction method for scaffolding a circular Tank.
All animations were done with sketch-up & Animator, and put together in premier pro.
Apart from the end, the photo-real stuff was enscape..!
Thanks Fredo, amazing work.
Just one thing, will you be re-implementing the aspect ratio buttons.
I miss just hitting 16:9 and changing one value..
Bit lazy I know..
Your a legend..
Thank you Fredo
Hi Fredo,
File attached, I think it happens on all my files so don't know if it's my end or yours.. I can live without it, I just thought I would put it out there and give you the heads up.
cheers for all your hard work..
Before I get into my issue I would like to thank Fredo for the hard work in creating this plug-in, it's awesome!!
Now I just need to check if anyone else is having issues with animating camera views, For some reason in this release the camera's seem to be glitching.. If I save a camera view in the animator, they start in the correct position then jump out to an unexpected view then finish on the correct location.. There's no fluidity to the movement, not sure if it's something I'm doing wrong though.. It definitely could be..
Let me know your thoughts
Thanks for the quick response, I'll have a play with it and see how it works..
Hi Fredo,
Thank you for your efforts with this plug-in, it adds a whole new level of useability to the sketchup platform.. I have used it to create 3 animations now and the results are pretty impressive. I have a question, does the plug-in allow for transfer of the animation parts to other components, or the copying of the component with the animations attached. I have looked thru the forum for the answer and nothing has popped out at me. I am doing animations that require repetitive actions to components and I'm finding myself doing the same animated time after time,ie, move up 150mm, move right 150mm, move down 75mm, rotate 90. if I could just copy the component with the animation attached I could just stagger in the time line and that would save me huge amount of time. Once again thanks for your efforts with this extension..