You can modify a 'cross-section' Line-set's 'profile' in several ways without scripts [note that it can't be a 'Curve' as that selects as 'one' thing, so Explode Curves - there's always a plugin Weld.rb to remake a Curve if needed π ].
As well as using Move on preselected Lines etc, you can use Move with NO selection and then pick a Vertex and change its location, or with one Line highlighting to relocate that - it will stretch connected Lines to suit.
You can also use Scale on preselected parts to change their 'form' - again connected Lines will adjust to suit.
You can Select in several ways adding to a Selection with Ctrl, toggle membership with Shift or removing from selection with Ctrl+Shift. Also picking by fence is very useful - making it by right>left drag selects all crossed or included, whereas a fence made left>right only things wholly included in it. You can also turn Faces off temporarily by going into Wireframe-mode so then accidental face-selection is avoided...
Move+Ctrl will copy a 'profile' that you can then relocate at the next 'node' as needed, and then perhaps Scale that in one or more axes to suit, perhaps tweaking a Vertex or two with Move, or perhaps Erasing a Line and redrawing it...
Hand stitching between Vertices to triangulate forms and auto-make Faces
Make use of the shortcut keys these will speed you work considerably [add your own extra ones as needed in Preferences]...
Group geometry into sensible sub-sets as components etc and with symmetrical parts use mirrored copies where appropriate so you only make one half and the other auto-generates to match...
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