Okay, so I think my last post was a bit overkill - I will try to break my problems down!

I want to create a tent where the user can choose between predefined heights. The tent must not be resized, as the sizes of the subcomponents need to stay the same. But, as in the real life version, the upper part of the tent (roof and upper part of the tent legs) need to slide up or down on the lower part of the leg.

I can do this quite easily if I click on the subcomponent "tent_upper". There I can define the position of the subcomponent. BUT: in order to do so I need to click on the component "tent" and then click on the subcomponent "tent_upper". But this is not intuitiv.

I'm looking therefore for an option to click on the component and get to choose the different heights. I tried using LenZ on the tent and locking the subcomponent LenZ in the hope SketchUp would keep the height of the subcomponents as they are and just change their position.

tl;dr: How can I change the position of a subcomponent in a DC by just selecting its parent component?

I hope this clears things up a bit!