Translated by Google: @teachix said: First off, sorry if my question has already been asked. I have been using Layout for a short time (1 month) and I would have liked to know if it is possible to create a standard profile (or environment, or preferences) in order to avoid resetting my line styles, dimensions, handwriting fonts and sizes, etc. with each new project? Yes. You can make your own template with all of those options set and more. Start with a new LayOut file, choose the correct paper size and orientation first. Then make the settings for font dimension and label styles, etc. When I make a new template I place sample of text, labels, and dimensions on the page and then adjust them to suit. After editing the samples, I get each of the three tools in turn, press s to sample the existing text, and make a new sample to confirm it looks like what I want. After I've done that for the three of them, I delete all of the text samples. You can also add layers for different entity types, e.g. SketchUp viewports, labels, dimensions, etc. You can also add page borders, title block, logo images, boilerplate text, page numbers, and so on. In Document Setup>Auto Text you can add various auto text things including custom text that can later be edited for the project. That can save a lot of time later when you are starting a new project. After you have everything set up the way you want it, use File>Save as Template to save it. By the way, before saving as the template I make sure my viewport layer is active. That way if I use Send to LayOut in SketchUp, my first viewport is on the correct layer automatically.