Okay, I'll go into EXACT detail if you wish.
It starts in Sketchup looking like this - little to no textures. (Note, this is good - I don't want textures on it UNTIL its in Unity.)

Next - i export it as a COLLADA file and import it into unity. It looks like this:

Then I add the brick texture to one of the houses, and instead of giving me a texture it does this:

NOTE: No matter how close I get to the building, it does not appear. There is no texture there - just a solid color.
So after a bit of research I came across this post from a guy that was having the same problem I was.
...and I assumed that I needed to UV map my object in Sketchup - which I don't know how to do. In fact, I know little to nothing about UV Mapping.
Does this clear things up? What do I do?