@dave r said:
Did you catch the thing about the Tag tool?
I did, but I have not found much use for it yet. But my models are typically not very complex. The way I use Sketchup is more reliant on repetitive tasks and a workflow based on muscle memory to speed the task of doing solar panel layouts on existing residences brought into 3D space from flat imagery. That's why the axis issue was such a hassle for me. A decade of doing things the same way is hard to change.
I currently have over 6,000 Sketchup models created using the same repetitive process (except for the last infuriating change with the Add Location window that added at least 6 keypresses or clicks to my prior workflow). These changes have real implications for people. Software engineers sometimes don't consider how changes might affect users. But on balance, the continued development of SU and the addition of features over the years has been great.