I have been trying to do what I would consider to be a stupidly easy procedure in any other cad program within sketchup with no success.
I am simply trying to lathe a face along a curve and follow me was the suggested tool to use (and I can't find an extension that evades this terrible tool or I would have been using that ages ago.
The first picture shows the face I am trying to extrude along the path. I just want that face to curve in a quarter circle to create a quarter dome with a hollow core.
The second picture shows the absolute best result I've been able to get using Follow Me. I have placed the curve to be followed at every conceivable measurement just to test the results and it's always a mess.
Please lead me out of this hell or turn me on to a simple lathe script that works in 2017 to avoid Follow Me completely. (How is it searching "lathe" in the extension warehouse yields nothing?? There is a Quick Lathe on some forum for 2013 but it does not work in current versions)
Seriously any help is super appreciated