Excellent, thanks for the fast responses, I am a beginner in sketchup modelling, I apreciate a lot your help and share your experience with me.

@d12dozr said:

It looks like you just need to smooth the remaining lines...select the raw geometry, then right click -> Smooth... and adjust the slider until it looks good.

Thanks d12dozr, Soften and Smooth it's a great tool that makes the models look better hiding its lines, thanks, my model looks better now.

@gaieus said:

It seems that the remaining faces (after cleaning up) are not coplanar. This can of course worked around by smoothing those surfaces like Marcus suggested but also make it harder to texture and work with.

Thanks Gaieus, after using Soften and Smooth tool on the models raw I realized that the lines and noncoplanar faces still remain there. The main problem of the model is the high number of noncoplanar faces because that faces make difficult to modify the model, the model have a large amount of faces, therefore, if it's used in a larger model can reduce the performance of Sketchup.

It looks like the only solution is intersect the model and delete the lines manually or delete the lines of the noncoplanar faces and redraw those to make a coplanar face.

Thanks for your help