That model is stupidly immense, in a good way. Man I am new to SketchyPhysics compared to you guys, and I thought I was good!
RE: Joints, Oscillator
I don't get what the 'Gyro' tool is and what it can be used for. Someone please explain or make a tut or something because it is really bugging me. Thanks in advanced, StarWarsKnower.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] A PoorFlatEllipsoidIndian Bowl
Great tut, nothing i didnt know, but gave me ideas
RE: [Tutorial] Smooth Animations from Sketchup - WIP
The tutorial won't work. I click on the link, and it comes up in a new tab, then says 'HTTP Coulc Not Be Found'. Everyone says it is so good, I wan't to see it!
RE: Help!
Okay, so, you make a rectangle in a door shape, upright. You place a hinge, (purple), on the top of the door on the axis you want it to spin from. e.g. if you want it to spin around from the center, you would place the axis there, and if you want it like a door place it at one of the sides.
Now you want to tell SketchyPhysics that you want that hinge you have just made to work on that door you have just made. So to do this you select the tool to the left of the one that says 'UI', (I dont know what it is called.) Select the hinge. Now holding down 'Ctrl', click on your door. Now they are linked. Press the 'Play/Pause' button. Click and drag on your door and see it spin! An example is attatched.
RE: Scissors Mechanism
I don't get how you made the scissor mechanism, I couldn't find any link between the 'X' shaped bits. There is no axis and no link between them, it makes no sense. But it is amazing, I just don't get how you did it.
Demolition Crane
I have made this demolition crane, any ideas on how I can improve it, I am not new to Sketchup, but compared to you guys, new to SketchyPhysics. Also, see if you can make a good one, and post it on. Here it is:
RE: Problem with ball and ramp
You said you made it a component, try making it a group instead of a component, I always use groups, sketchy physics treats them better.
RE: A Small Suggestion
Yeah, that gets really annoying some times, if there is a way, please say, (I haven't tried it but maybe it's just under joint settings.)
RE: Next version.
I have made a topic on this, (, but will the strange images I found on my computer be used at all, and if not, what are they for or what are they?
Un-Used Icons
I was looking through the programme files, and I found some strange icons that I didn't reckognise. Try doing this to see them yourself:
- Go to Programme Files> Google> Google Sketchup 6> Plugins> SketchyPhysics> Images
- Scroll down and see that there are record play rewind fast forward and some more tools not used in there.
Really wierd isn't it? Do you know what they are?