Again, thank you. It is now working as I wished.
Jeff Hammond,
I had previously checked Logitech drivers. However, they do not allow modification of
the primary mouse buttons.
Thanks to all.
RE: Mouse binding
RE: Mouse binding
Thank you for your response and guidance, jaceguay.
I installed the script as you indicated. Upon opening Sketchup it worked beautifully.
All was well until I closed Sketchup and turned off the computer. Upon reopening the program,
Sketchup had reverted to its default Orbit and Pan.After going back through the installation steps and checking the AutoHotkey help files,
and making no progress in finding an answer, I tried Start > AutoHotkey > Open. Nothing
visible happened. However, when I opened Sketchup again the script was working. It appears
that shutting down and restarting the computer is the problem.This is beyond my abilities to solve. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?
RE: Mouse binding
I investigated Autohotkey, but did not go further because it wasn't clear
if it would allow changing the mouse inputs for only Sketchup and not for
everything on my computer.For all the other 3d software that I use, the following mapping has become
ingrained in muscle memory:Orbit = Alt + Lmb
Pan = Mmb
Zoom = Scroll wheelIf Orbit and Pan could be reset for Sketchup only, I wouldn't be tripping over
them all the time.Your help is most welcome.
RE: Mouse binding
Oh, dear. Look here, Minnie.
I return here after a week and all I find are a few human droppings.
Oh, dear. Oh,dear. -
Mouse binding
I discovered Sketchup in 2001. A brilliant, simple, intuitive, precise, flexible software but
frustrating in one aspect: uneditable mouse bindings. Because of this I put it aside and went on to other softwares. I have come back a number of times over the years but still the same stumbling block.All the other programs that I use, Silo, Blender, Hexagon, Modo, Moi allow editing of mouse binding for navigation. My preferences (a modification of Maya bindings): Alt lmb-orbit, mmb-pan (hand), scroll-zoom has become ingrained in muscle memory.
Recently, I investigated Bonzai and Form Z since they incorporate some tools that are evocative of
Sketchup. Both allow editing of mouse bindings but for other reasons I find these programs frustrating to use.To make a long story short, after searching forums and the web and finding no options for editing
the Sketchup mouse commands, I ask here if any of the script and plugin authors who frequent this forum have thought about this situation. Is it possible to write such a acript or plugin and if so would one of them undertake such a task?