As it turns out if you check the contents of the two ' CD_ICONS' folders within the two tools' zipped archives there is no 'overlap' of their files... so both tools should install and work 'as expected'... BUT now for the bad news... Unfortunately you have chosen two 'packaged' sets that both have warnings attached to them... these are about files found within their archives that should never [ever] be installed into the Plugins folder [e.g. sketchup.rb! which comes in Tools supplied with Sketchup and can cause issues if an old copy loads form Plugins first - there are other similar files ]... IF you still want to try these two tools then p_l_e_a_s_e make sure that you carefully read the notes/comments about these 'rogue-scripts' that are wrongly packaged with these [somewhat outdated] toolsets and do NOT install those...