Thank you for posting this (and all the other stuff) Pilou. I am surfing on internet a lot and sometimes I find something special. I am amazed, surprised and curious how you can find al this freeware. You brought me to hours (weeks ) of entertainment already.
RE: NodeBox 3 (free)
RE: Verve : fluid painting
Pilou, thank you for directing me to Taron's Verve. I'm no artist, but this is fun. Just reading Taron's forum brings a great smile on my face. I love this freeware topic very much.
RE: TriangleFace Tools?
Thank you Pilou for your quick answer.
I know thruepaint and I thank Fredo very,very much for it, but can it do what I wish? with such precision?
Pilou, because you can't open my skp-file I give you an image:
TriangleFace Tools?
Dear SketchUcation forum members.
This is my first question here, so I am a little bit nervous, please forgive my poor English. I use Sketchup only for my hobby and I am just learning the basics for 3d modeling.
Thank you for all your work and great plugins. Special thanks Fredo6, Didier Bur, Thomthom and TIG, because I use their plugins most. Also thanks to TaffGoch for explaining geodesics.Now my request: Is there something like QuadFace Tools for triangle faces? So when you have a triangle face and positioned the texture nicely, you can copy it to other triangles. For example by clicking the corners of the original triangle and click on the corners of the other triangle, so corner 1,2 and 3 are translated to corner 1β,2β and 3β. A little bit like the Align Tool.
Or another option: to place a triangle component on the right position automatically (scale and position). The same as above. Clicking corners of original component and give the three end points. With this, the texture within the component has the right position.
At this moment my workflow is like this: (see Triangle Face tools.skp file)
Request Triangle face tools.skpI searched this forum but couldn't find a plugin that does the same I do in my .skp file. Maybe I was blind
, then forgive me and please give me the solution.
Thanks for reading my request.
RE: Titanic (Work In Progress video added)
This is beautiful, thank you for your video.