• SketchUp Make 2015-EN x64 - Windows 7/8 (EXE)
• SketchUp Make 2015-EN x32 - Windows 7/8 (EXE)
• SketchUp Make 2015-EN - Mac OS X v10.8/9/10 (DMG)

RE: Reinstalling SU 2015
RE: SU Update Mac 16.1.2418
SketchUp Pro 2016 and SketchUp Make 2016 - Maintenance Release 2
Released: September 20, 2016Version:
16.1.2418 (Mac 64-bit)General Note:
Mac: This update for SketchUp 2016 for Mac is to address a number of issues which arose with the release of Apple MacOS Sierra (10.12)SketchUp Release Notes
FixedFixed a crash which occurred when closing a tab in fullscreen mode. Fixed some resources in SketchUp which didn’t display as translated.
LayOut Release Notes
FixedFixed a crash which occurred when editing rich text.
Source: Release Notes
RE: OpenGL trouble or what?
@john2 said:
...in favor of AMD with respect to openGL support?
steamcommunity. com
fast OGL output for 3D gaming and an accurate OGL output for 3D modeling is a different thing.
sure, bigger (x64) is better... not. Using the 32-bit version of SU will verly likely avoid issues with the flaky 64-bit OGL support of the AMD Crimson driver... has done it already at least for most other users.
but hey, as always, it's up to you... live with the crashes or fix'em by using SU x32... at least until AMD provides an mature OGL x64 support.
if ever buying a new device an SU relevant for you, go for a dedicated nVidia GeForce GT(X).
RE: Unable to authorize sketchup pro 2015
the previous version will run fine without any runtime limit until being on the same system.
30 days after activating the license of the recent version (workstation license) installing the previous version on another system is not allowed any more... you can install the recent version on a second system instead... if not using simultaneously of course.
RE: CPU or GPU for viewport performance?
@jonfar said:
Will I see a huge improvement from my 750ti 2gb to a, let's say, Geforce 970 4gb?
"a huge improvement" probably not but wait for the new GTX 1060 available next week anyhow, roughly on par with a GTX 980 for a list price of ~280 bucks.
RE: Convert SKP to STP or X_T?
@4themasses said:
...but appears to be faceted bodies.
of course, what else using a polygon modeler as SketchUp... use a NURBS modeler if NURBS faces/solids are required... the right tool for the job stuff
RE: SketchUp in your browser
besides the time spirit having everything online/in-the-cloud and with Tinkercad bought by Autodesk, Trimble maybe felt the need to have something comparable in this area... and to extent Trimble Connect of course.
RE: Setchup 2016 Pro lock and close alone all the time.
@bebelamoraes said:
I can't find much logic in it...
the 64-Bit OpenGL stack of the used video driver is faulty, therefore using the 32-Bit version of SU and its 32-Bit OpenGL API calls helps.
If ever buying something new, go for a dedicated nVidia GeForce GTX series.
RE: Setchup 2016 Pro lock and close alone all the time.
if currently running the SUP 64-Bit version you may want try, if swapping to the 32-Bit version fixes the issues.
RE: LumenRT
@pilou said:
Very cool prog and free for Sketchup!
to be exact, the limited Viz version is free for non-commercial use only.
RE: New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
update the GeForce driver to the latest version 356.19.
Artefacts with Hardware Acceleration enabled or disabled?
RE: New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
@joe wood said:
...don't even know what Raster means...
raster data means pixel based outpout as on your monitor or printer or photo or newspaper... whereas vector data is defined as analytic lines, circle/arcs, curves/splines etc.:
RE: New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
Win 7 x64
SUP v16.1.1449 x64as already elaborated above, grouping the text entities workarounds the issue (see attach).
RE: New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
the raster export format has obviously nothing to do with this issue...
... the max. raster export resolution has nothing to do with the screen resolution but is configured during the raster export (see button "Options..." in export dialog).
zooming a bit out and cropping the resulting raster image will likely result in a similar scene setup... but as always, it's up to you.
RE: New Graphics Card .. Now Have Warning!
try if zooming out helps, if yes you may compensate this by enlarging the export resolution and cropping the white space away with your image editor.
btw, export to losless PNG format instead of lossy JPEG w/ artefacts at hard contrasts or ol' TIFF.