@fredo6 said:
Could you post or PM the model.
Also, when you run the video generation, could you leave the Ruby Console open. There are traces showing the processing of frames. And there may be errors as well.
The problem appears on any primitive model. For example, rectilinear movement of a cube.
The problem with SketchUP 2020 and V-REY 4.20.01
Render only the first frame. The clip consists of the same frames, the duration is not important.
there is a problem on the forum
;beg_time => 0
;end_time => 2.0
;frame_rate => 25
;speed_factor => 1.0
;reversed_play => false
;transparent => false
;dimX => 740
;dimY => 416
;dim_mode => "r16_9"
;filter => {
} (;filter)
;root_dir => "C;/TEMP/Animator Videos"
;movie_dir => "test - 14-Apr-2020 23-57-29"
;movie_name => "Film 1"
;date_modified => 1586890168.103433
;movie_formats => {
;mp4 => true
;mov => false
} (;movie_formats)
;rendering_method => ;vray
MOVIE PX = 740 PY = 416 transpa = false
VRAY Movie frame 1 animation time = 0.00s
Path = U1586890672_Image01.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 1.99s
VRAY Movie frame 2 animation time = 0.04s
Path = U1586890672_Image02.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 1.99s
VRAY Movie frame 3 animation time = 0.08s
Path = U1586890672_Image03.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 2.00s
......cut out........
VRAY Movie frame 49 animation time = 1.92s
Path = U1586890672_Image49.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 2.00s
VRAY Movie frame 50 animation time = 1.96s
Path = U1586890672_Image50.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 1.99s
VRAY Movie frame 51 animation time = 2.00s
Path = U1586890672_Image51.png
AFTER launching Rendering and Timer; status = true
VRAY Status check - status = 4
VRAY Finished after 2.00s
VRAY STOP timer =
Command FFmpeg for mp4 = "C;/Program Files/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe" -framerate 25 -i "U1586890672_Image%02d.png" -c;v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -q;v 1 "Film 1.mp4" 2> FFmpeg_log_mp4.txt
===> Status FFmpeg for mp4 = true
Command FFmpeg for mov = "C;/Program Files/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe" -i "Film 1.mp4" -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f mov "Film 1.mov" 2> FFmpeg_log_mov.txt
===> Status FFmpeg for mov = true