ok, thank you for your file.
I have understand.I succeed to use flowify with your example.
I was trying to place directly my pattern on the half cylinder, that's why it didn't work.
Thanks for all
ok, thank you for your file.
I have understand.I succeed to use flowify with your example.
I was trying to place directly my pattern on the half cylinder, that's why it didn't work.
Thanks for all
I test with your file with flowify and I can't have a result.
Can you give me the process to follow please ?
I have traced a 1/2 cylinder on the back of pyramids shape (does dimension have an impact ?)
Put lines on each side to connect half cylinder with pyramids shape
Flowify but I get an error message
"Input error : can't not find support groupe.The support group must contain 3 further groups and one of these groups must contain two connection edges".
I have 3 groups :
Do you have an idea ?
Finally I succeed with shape bender. In 3 times.
I've tested with flowify without success. I've followed a youtube video but, when I test the example nothing happend...
Thank you for your help and the file.
I print now.
thank finally I've succeed to make a pipe with the plugin fredoscale (4 quarter of cycle) but now I do not know how to reduce the top and bottom diameter to get the body of the pineapple
If I take the resize tool small pyramids are too distorted on the line after selection.
How can I do to have a resizing on selected lines?
Thanks for your help
I would like to know how to realize the body of pineapple seen on https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2510361
I was thinking of making a pyramidal shape that I would place on an oval shape.
How to do it?
What is the other method otherwise?
Thanks in advance