Great Thanks a bunch Chris! Ill check out those videos. Man this is a great forum. People are awesome here!
RE: Sketchup DvD's
Sketchup DvD's
Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone had a preference on a good learning DvD for Sketchup? I've been looking on youtube and other websites at their tutorials and I want to learn more about sketchup. Please let me know if you have any preferences. Thanks!
RE: Problems with paintbucket
Thanks for the quick response Gaieus!
I tried your hidden geometry. And I think I just messed up on building it. Must be my latches are not made right because I painted them white and now the entire door is a solid white which is what i wanted in the first place. But as soon as I paint the latches grey it makes those lines. So I figure ill remake the latch and try again to see if it does the same thing. Really appreciate the fast response!~Rsdevour
Problems with paintbucket
Hi there,
I'm new to sketchup and I was trying to use the paintbucket on a cabinet I had just made. My problem is that when I use the paintbucket on a latch for my cabinet door it x rays only certain parts of my cabinet door. Makes it look really crappy. Is it something im doing wrong or is it a setting i have? Heres a screenshot of what it looks like.
I just want it to be a solid color without the xray lines through it. Your help would be greatly appreciated.~Rsdevour