This is a GREAT plug in! By the way the only way I know to install it is to copy the AT_set_standard_views.rb file to the Plugins folder.
RE: [Plugin] Extended Standard Views - ArchTools-version!
RE: [Plugin] Extended Standard Views - ArchTools-version!
MANY THANKS! to AlexMozg for the Extended Standard Views!
AND to babak for instructions on installing it in SU 2017!
I became dependent on Chris Fullmer's version but lost it with SU 2017. My arrow keys are shortcuts to it.
BTW I tried changing the scale to 1, but that didn't work for me. I imagine it has to be formatted as 1.0 or something.
AGAIN thanks a bunch!
Ron -
RE: [Plugin] Extended Views v1.2 UPDATE May 23, 2013
What a great plugin! Once installed, I mapped my arrow keys to it, and now I can see the basic mechanical views of my cabinets. Obviously this should have been the default in SU originally. THANKS!!
How do I send a donation? Really.
RE: [Plugin]T2H_Stretch_By_Area v1.2.3(Aug 25,2013)
Hi, I clicked on the "Donate" Button next to "Stretch by Area", but it doesn't work.
Stretch by Area is a VERY important tool for me. I don't know if Sketchup would work for me without it. I would like to donate $50 to you. I also would be very happy if you would improve "Stretch by Area" if you have time.
Ron -
RE: [Plugin] Material Replacer
Wow! Thanks very much. Great tool that does what it names says. Rare these days.
Stretch tool
Is there a "stretch" tool out there? So far I've found:
"FredoScale": Doesn't allow me to select a fence to stretch.
"Stretch by Area": Exactly what I need but has a bug when in parallel view (doesn't grab all the end points)
The idea is to place a "fence" around parts of my model, then move the selected end points, EVEN if they're in different components.
Ron -
RE: [Plugin]T2H_Stretch_By_Area v1.2.3(Aug 25,2013)
Thank you VERY MUCH for making this tool. I would pay good money for this. I am only buying Sketchup Pro because of this tool.
How can I make sure I don't loose it? I'm worried Sketchup might mess it up.