Hi Dave R. Ok I now have Make faces but it only works with some of the letters in the 3D logo I'm making, it comes back with "you must select at least three faces" so what am I doing wrong?
RE: Abobe Illustrator files to Sketchup problem
RE: Abobe Illustrator files to Sketchup problem
Hi All and Dave R. Make faces worked well until I got to one letter in the 3D logo which would not create a face. The error message from Make Faces said "you must select at least three faces to make Make Faces work, what am I doing wrong?
RE: Abobe Illustrator files to Sketchup problem
@dave r said:
You need faces to use Push/Pull. You don't have faces in the DWG file; only edges. There are several ways to make faces including the Make Faces plugin (I'll find the link) or by tracing over edges with the line tool.
/ Ah Many thanks and so quickly too, I'll try to find that Plug in as well. Ta ra! -
Abobe Illustrator files to Sketchup problem
Hi Everybody.
It's a great App isn't it? but can you help me please...I have an Adobe Illustrator file, which I can convert to Paths and export to DWG and then into Sketchup. It appears seamlessly in Sketchup but I can't Push/Pull it or extrude in any way - what am I doing wrong and should I take another route? Any ideas most welcome.