I just updated the plugin.
It should be able to wrap every panorama inside one rather big html file.
Also, I realized that I myself started learning to code 20 years ago. Now I feel old. =P
I just updated the plugin.
It should be able to wrap every panorama inside one rather big html file.
Also, I realized that I myself started learning to code 20 years ago. Now I feel old. =P
No problem.
Hey, it turns out you can inline almost everything into a single html file. See this two articles. I'll see what I can do with this.
Offline Application
I work in metric and rarely encountered the clipping problem.
Can you try scaling up the model before taking the panorama? (a pain, I know, but the only solution I can think of)
Sadly, no. I can't reduce the number of files. Each file is required and I don't know a way of packing them all together.
Maybe you can try generating the images with CubicPanoOut and stitching them with GoCubic. This outputs a single quicktime file for each panorama.
That is what I used to do before writing this plugin (so I could stop relying on quicktime).
Anyway, I'll try and find a 'one file' solution.
That's strange, it should stop, not pan beyond the limit.
It's not possible to stop rendering after the limit because of the way the plugin is built.
What's your browser and version?
Can you send me the files so I can test it?
yes, but you'll have to modify a bit of code.
open the file pano0.js with notepad, should be on the same folder as the panoramic images.
(the name may be different, but the same as the .html file that shows the panorama)
add this under line 100 ( the one that goes lat=00;lon=00 )
you can modify this angles to the values you need.
then add this under line 107 ( function update(){ )
if ( lon < leftLimit ) { lon = leftLimit };if ( lon > rightLimit ) { lon = rightLimit };if ( lat < bottomLimit ) { lat = bottomLimit };if ( lat > topLimit ) { lat = topLimit };
and that should do it.
I'll make this easier when I get the time.
I'm here if you have any questions.
thanks for using my plugin.
hey, you're welcome. I wrote this because I needed an easier CubicPanoOut.
I think I can make it zoom. I'm not a java whiz but I'll give it a try.
Edit: ok, it should work now.
Hey, have you tried my panoramas plugin? It makes architectural presentation somewhat easier.
@erikb said:
I was only working with the icons toolbar
Hey. Sorry, I didn't make a button for that because I still haven't found a way to undo it, and so many scenes can disorganize your model very quickly. (you can always delete them manually, but I find it awkward)
Rich, that is awesome, I didn't know you could insert stuff like that in phpBB.
Yes, that's because v0.3 didn't support SU8. The newest version(0.31) should work fine.
@driven said:
I thought maybe you could ask to change perspective...
I'm not sure. Most panoramas require a carefully placed camera.
If I switch automatically from a parallel camera, I don't know if the panorama will be useful. Remember that writing the images can take several minutes.
Thanks for the advice anyway.
@gashtan said:
Is it compatibile with SU8 anyway?
I think not, sorry. They changed the ruby version for sketchup 2014. I think it has to do with that. I'll see if I can fix it.
Good. I'll get a renderer and take a look.
Adding the option to make the scenes shouldn't be such a problem. I'll get on it.
I wasn't aware of Renderiza PanoScene.
It's strange that the output from cubicpanoout doesn't work with my html. Its basically the same concept and output.
(edit: on second thought no, it is not. I had to change the scenes order and rotation to make work easier with WebGL )
I added the menu entry. It saves the scenes and shows in the console each scene's filename.
I haven't found a way to allow undoing, so be careful.
I'm glad you like it.
Yes, I imagine it can be done, but I have no renderer at the moment, so I can't test it.
Which one do you use?
You could set the camera manually (aspect ratio 1:1, Fov 90 ) and then replace the images that the plugin writes.
I'm thinking that if the renderer has some kind of global illumination that is camera dependent, then the seams of the cube might be visible.
This plugin is not working correctly in sketchup 2017. As a workaround, you can set resolution to 1020,2040 or 4080
WebGL Cubic Panorama
This plugin generates a 360 degrees panorama using the Three.js library.
It is useful when showcasing interiors on the web.
To see your panorama, go to the output folder and open the html file with a modern browser.
Plugins > Panorama > Make Panorama
This generates the panorama files.
After the plugin is done, you can go to the output folder and open the html document. It requires a modern browser. (not IE < 11)
Click and drag to look around.
Plugins > Panorama > Scenes to Panorama
This generates a panorama for every scene( provided that 'include in animation' is ticked) and adds navigation links.
Plugins > Panorama > Save current camera scenes
Saves six scenes that the plugin would use as textures for the cubic panorama. I haven't found a way to undo adding scenes to the model, so be careful and save before using this command.
Plugins > Panorama > Change Output Folder
Changes output folder and resets the file numbers.
Plugins > Panorama > Embed output in html
Makes all scripts inline, encodes images in base64 and embeds them in html.
Use this option to embed images in a previously generated panorama.
Plugins > Panorama > Options
Plugin configuration
Title: the title shown in the panorama html document.
Renderer: Canvas is more compatible, WebGL is faster. Despite this configuration you can still choose the renderer interactively. yourfile.html?canv is canvas & yourfile.html?webgl is, well, WebGL.
If you want to test the software renderer, you can get it here. Use yourfile.html?soft. (you must uncomment line 16 in template2.html for this to work)
Ask for a new folder: requests a new folder with every panorama.
FOV: the field of view for the panorama.
Output Folder: the output folder for the panorama.
Jpg Compression: the level of compression for the six jpg textures.
Write images: if set to no, then no images are written. Useful when you make changes to the template and you want to regenerate the html and js files only.
Embed images: if set to yes, all the output is embedded in the html file (except the three.js library which is accessed from the internet).
added option to embed images and scripts in html
changed the tags in html template so it's easier to customize.
panorama now has zoom
added support for SU8
added option to save your scenes for easier rendering
added support for multiple scenes
added toolbar
split the template html, css and js. otherwise, modifying several panoramas became tedious.
first version
Please comment with any suggestions.
I had this error while running 'instance material to faces'
With and without geometry selected.
Error; #<NameError; undefined local variable or method `selection' for TT;;Plugins;;MaterialTools;Module>
C;/Users/ramiro velazco/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/tt_material_tools/core.rb;149;in `instance_materials_to_faces'
C;/Users/ramiro velazco/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2014/SketchUp/Plugins/tt_material_tools/core.rb;40;in `block in <module;MaterialTools>'
-e;1;in `call'
I solved it(I think?) by adding
selection = model.selection
in core.rb right after line 148
Thanks for a wonderful tool.