Try this...

module TIG module DefinitionReplacer def model=Sketchup.active_model defns=model.definitions model.start_operation("DefinitionReplacer", true) counter=0 defns.to_a.each{|defn| next if name=~/[#]/ defns.to_a.each{|d| next unless n=~/[#]/ next unless d.instances[0] next unless n.split("#")[0]==name ins=d.instances defn.instances.each{|i| i.definition=d } ins.each{|i| i.erase! } counter+=1 } defns.remove(defn) } model.commit_operation puts "Processed #{counter} definitions" end#def end #module end #module TIG;; #to use, it assumes you have a number of component definitions [Com1, Com2, etc], #and you have already imported a similar set of edited ones into the model [Com1#1, Com2#1 etc]. #to run it, paste all of this into the Ruby Console, it should auto-run. #all instances of the original Com1 become Com1#1, renamed as Com1, #any instances of the previous Com1#1 are erased and its definition removed. #it's one step undo-able