Keys controls are for next update
Now you have that for the joints bottom drawn
RE: Sketchy physics problem
RE: Sketchy physics problem
look my post here
you will find 2 files
the last show you a little concept of the use possible of "segmented grouped" objets
the jointed rotated objects are totally "inside"
That's possible because all objects around are groups grouped
And here the concept twice grouped
RE: Erratic walk
But seems there is also an another solution?
Put an external "Group Joint" and take the Layer invisible
Of course this "group joint" must be spherique, cylindric
but real car's wells don't rotate so maybe not a goo solution
Edit : that can work, but "front car" or "back car" around the wheel must be segmented
RE: Le concept primal de Sketchyphysics
Oh oui je m'en suis aperçu, c'était le manège enchanté!
Oui c'est çà, il faut renommer les "controlers" et refaire les liaisons
RE: Le concept primal de Sketchyphysics
Une autre chausse-trappe!
Il faut donner un état de forme à sa pièce mobile!
Je me demandais pourquoi mon véhicule cahotait!
Avec une sphère cela va déjà mieux
Modèle by Orgelf -
RE: Erratic walk
Hey! your models are some crazy
I am astonished by your results@unknownuser said:
Not cylinder?
I understand! Many Thx for the inputIt's a long way for manage all that
With a sphere it's a little more acceptable
Erratic walk
What I have missed?
When all wheels are going in the same way that works not as enough that I expect
Model by Orgelf
RE: Cotations angulaires
Il faut dessiner "un arc" et ensuite cela marche quand on clique dessus avec l'outil Dimension
RE: Sketchy physics problem
There is no problem of design if you segment your volume arround the wheel (so the Car)
By segmented I mean thatJust careful that the "joint size" don't touch something for block it or block the something!
As you can see on the animation linked, wheel can be around the orange group
RE: @Todd: old question
Question of a total candide
There is no tool in Su for reccord actions on the screen for see the result in Ruby? -
RE: Sketchy physics problem
Just something about animating cars' wheels
If the wheel is "out of" the car no problem
if the wheel is "inside" the car no problem for the violet rotation
but problem for the orange rotation!All the groups or components surronding the wheels must be segmented!
(it's not the case on this image)
Else wheels will be blocked on the orange rotation
Have fun SketchyPhysics
RE: Rendering Plugins
Podium works in free as 500*500 if I am not wrong?
RE: An Accidental Abstract
Your last seems like a Duchamp research
Nu Descendant l'escalier -
Copy / paste ?
When I copy something, random result arrive when the animation start
Is that normal
Le concept primal de Sketchyphysics
Comme l'image était faite autant en profiter
Les débutants buttent sur ce petits truc
Song of the words
Listen any file (skp, kmz,jpg, etc ...) as cool mood music
Made with Purebasic by Dobro
a cool guitarist
For PC, file linked
RE: Spore Creature creation
Damned you must have a graphic card up than an ATI 9200
and support Shaders 2
So not for me