Thanks for the information, I will try what you've suggested here.
Thanks for the information, I will try what you've suggested here.
Hi everyone,
I just want to ask if I can embed my animation in sketchup physics (eg. robotic arm simulation) to another programming language like C# or somehow make my animation standalone(out from sketchup IDE) and make ways to control the motion/actions to a keyboard? If it is possible please give the steps. And if not can you give possible ideas that might work to what I'm trying to achieve?
thanks and regards,
Thanks for the warm welcome and for the link...
Hi everyone, I'm new to sketchup and I just want to ask if I can create a simulation of a robotic arm like the one I saw in some video tutorial but the control is coming from a microcontroller to move the each parts. I think it can be done using ruby to communicate to usb or serial port between pc and mcu...but I'm not really sure.
thanks in advance,