%(#0000BF)[Thanks Paul for posting your style - just downloaded it and will give it a go shortly.
A bit of experimenting and hopefully get the same effect
Thanks again]
%(#0000BF)[Thanks Paul for posting your style - just downloaded it and will give it a go shortly.
A bit of experimenting and hopefully get the same effect
Thanks again]
%(#0080FF)[Hi Paul
Really impressed with the 4th style in particular.
Can you advise if that is readily available or what it is called.
It has the look that really appeals
You have done some pretty neat modelling there - well done indeed.]
%(#4000BF)[**Just had this sent to me - very important and appropriate for the season
Merry Christmas to all**]
(Don't know who originally prepared the drawing, hopefully they don't mind it being posted here)
%(#4000BF)[Thanks very much for all the replies.
I had been working in the architectural design world (and discovered SketchUp in the process - yippee)
I am now working in an aviation environment - primarily using AutoCad.
(I have a very long aviation background)
We have been told that CATIA is coming to our office soon - hence the request for info.
I visited the CATIA web site but they don't seem to have a demo available - pity, I would liked to have tried it out.
I will do a search for CATIA forums in a moment.]
%(#4000BF)[Heard today at work that they might be considering getting CATIA.
I will do a Google search in a moment - just wondering if anyone on this forum uses it and can answer the following
*** Is it a hard package to learn ? (I guess I am worried about a steep learning curve)
** Are there many similarities to Sketchup ?
** Does anyone have a link to a demo that can be downloaded ?*]
%(#0000BF)[Gaieus - Thank you for your efforts in trying to open the file.
I have taken your suggestion and PM'd CraigD a copy.
Best Regards
Excellent idea - that would have been great, will have to remember that for any 'next' time.
Tried to PM you with the file - appears that even when zipped it is to large (The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 256 KB.)
Do think there is a slight chance of recovery ??
Can you PM an email address that I could send the file to ?
SOFTPLAN by far...
Our office uses AutoCad, Sketchup and Softplan.
If you want to turn grey, learn how swear profusely or feel like murdering someone then Softplan is the key to get you in the mood.
Even simple things like selecting an item on the drop down menu's often invokes the command for the item listed on the menu under the one you selected.
If you wish to trim one line using another, often you will get a fillet instead. If you then undo the command and zoom in or out a bit more, it usually works.
Dimensions are a pain - if you want to move them a bit, say further from the drawing itself, you can't just window it like in autocad and move it. In softplan, you can block move it but ALL the leader lines stay put - you have to adjust each and every leader line to where you want it.
Thats only scraping the surface on this package - there is HEAPS wrong with it.
I only use it at work whenever I really have to - and very reluctantly at that. Wish our work never purchased 3 licenses.
%(#0000BF)[I have been working on a small project, as yet unfinished - and when I saved the job, I received a message 'No Error Found'
I then tried to 'save as' a different file name - same message appeared.
Numerous attempts to save ended with the same result,
When next I opened sketchup, I tried to re-load the file and now recieve a 'Unexpected File Format' message.
The file I want to load shows up in Windows Explorer (thumbnail mode) with a small thumbnail OK and a file size of 1216 kB.
I even re-named the .skb file and tried to load that, with no luck what so ever.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how I can recover this
Previously created projects (different jobs) all open okay, as a test of Sketchup itself.]
%(#0000BF)[Excellent job & very impressive - love the detail.
How long would that have taken to do all up ?
Am interested in how you did the treads on the tires - would you possibly have a tutorial ?]