OK so you are saying to export from Rhino as a 3ds and open insde sketchup and explode one time.
Will I still be able to texture an object correctly with all of the triangulated faces??
OK so you are saying to export from Rhino as a 3ds and open insde sketchup and explode one time.
Will I still be able to texture an object correctly with all of the triangulated faces??
I'm working in an office where everyone is using sketchup and I am a Rhino user. I am exporting my files to.skp format but when I open the files in Sketchup all of the faces of the objects are exploded. Nothing is attached at all.
This is causing Sketchup to run really slow and is also making any kind of texturing a huge issue.
I've attached both a Rhino file and a .Skp file of the same scene that I exported with a "save as" command in Rhino. As you can see, all of the faces are connected in Rhino and all of the faces are not connected in Sketchup...
I have looked everywhere online and spoken on the phone with people at Rhino and I have no solution for this. If anyone can help me out here please respond.
This issue is causing me big problems at work and I am at my wits end!!