i just did the big update.
forum, blog, warehouse, guestbook, members, my models...What am i saying...You should check it out yourself.
i just did the big update.
forum, blog, warehouse, guestbook, members, my models...What am i saying...You should check it out yourself.
Dont bother about the wiki. I finaly have a site that is easy to navigate.
Have a look
(olliewollie)=My Nickname. I may use this site in the future for other things.
i just created a website what will include sketchup information. I will be frequently updated through out the week.
It is a site specially designed for ipods so you can have your ipod next to you when you are using sketchup.
I am also including the best models on the site so can you please recommend your favorite models.
Here is the address. http://www.olliewollie.webs.com/index.html
have a look at this!
what do you think?
if you like it type abff1 in to the warehouse search.
here is the link to it..
how about i make the challenge allot easier.
You have to designe a living room. Any size, The winner is the designer who designer the best room.
here is the link http://oliverswarehouse.wikispaces.com/Latest+Challenge
I know have decided to use wiki spaces instead of google groups.
here is the address.
ok... I have extended it to a month so it is more easier for you all.
well you have learnt something new today.
I actually think the task is a good one as other sites ask you to build whole ships in a month and with my task you have a week.
I am also doing this task myself and have basically completed it in 1 day.
I also have a thew things you can download from the warehouse (Walls of exact measurement what help you out).
I just got chrome what has a built in spell check so i will go with that.
Sorry, decent is what I ment. Il go and edit it so it is correct.
Also please tell me if you have joined the challenge.
Ps. I'm on
an iPod so I can hardly spell check at all.
Have a look at the site. It tells you what the challange is and so does this topics name!
I have just created a website (google group site) what will have a challange for you to attempet and enter each week.
They are fearly good chalanges.
I would also like to know what you think the next challange should be!