Thank you John
it's more clear, ( but was not easy to see if SU change only SU keys)
I have not observed any troubling , just the informatons in the log of my FW
I think that the post is close now
Latest posts made by OISIRIS
RE: [SOLVED] sketch up like a spy ??
RE: [SOLVED] sketch up like a spy ??
Thank you for these precisions
Yes you are right ...i am a little bit paranoid
I know that my ISP log all of my Internet-traffic or emails but these informations are not used for commercial approach
But always response about the reason for which SU change keys in the registry -
RE: [SOLVED] sketch up like a spy ??
Thank you all for your numerous responses.
I have stated that:
-SU tries to connect then it does not work because I no longer use it for 1 year,
- I disabled the automatic update but it continues.
- I still do not understand why, when SU is not used, it changes the keys to registry
- Mac1's remark makes me fear much
- As Mitcorb I think developers should answer
- I have blocked access in the firewall
- But I have no more confidence in SU especially as Google is known to use user information
- In conclusion I uninstall SU
Thank you for your opinion
Bitdefender team seem to find malware inside -
[SOLVED] sketch up like a spy ??
I used Sketchup one year ago et never i use it since that moment
BUT could you explain to me why sketchup try NOW to connect to the web et change key in the register base
I think it is abnormal
I send to you un attachement given bya my firewell comodoThank you for answer