where's the bathroom key?
and you know who Tom wants to be pumping gas don't you?
posted by Kaptain Amerika
where's the bathroom key?
and you know who Tom wants to be pumping gas don't you?
posted by Kaptain Amerika
It almost looks like you did you're environment in Bryce?
P:It almost looks like you did you're environment in Bryce?
One could make a argument that your last reply was just a tad off topic but they would be wrong. Politics in general is a joke. more distaistful than the one I told about a baby, a microwave and a masterbater. Also polotics is absolutely a ridiculous subject in general. The system Liberal, conservative, rep, or dem, abortion, stem cells, immigration etc.etc the list is endless on issues thrust into the public eye. All to distract us from just plain and simple right and wrong. fair and fraudulent.
My point is that if Hilary O,bama or who ever are the true and best examples of the shining stars best suited to lead the USA into the next 8 years. We are screwed. All the parties inc. liberatairian are really just 2 sides of the same coin. A rusty F-ed up penny not worh the metal it is stamped on.
What has to change? Everything. The scariest thig about it is. Krishidious would make a better president than the one we have been saddled with for the past 7.5 years. In fact I like W as much as I like you. Less than zero.
So your reply was not off topic but mine is. So here is my joke
Telling your mom your gay.
Perhaps you should start a political thread I love those. Then it will go into a lively debate on jesus vs. the Koran. All the Typical BS that just dont matter.
Do the group a favor Don't speak for the group. You really don't seem up to the task. This is a bar if you want lollypops, flowers and sweetness drivel perhaps you should start the "brown nose" forum. You seem good at that. Now get on those TPS reports so you dont have to work for free on yet another Sunday.
To architectboy
The slang word bitchen is one from my generation and used by most who signed my yearbook in 1982 when I graduated highschool. If I offended you? I don't care. and I suspect that you are offended allot. My advice means nothing to you for sure. Yes I am impressed that you have a calling and are persuing the talents that you have. But stay a kid as long as possible I fear that if you dont you could wind up like Kris. Confused, tortured, mis-understood, bullied, un-original under acheiver. Rise above.
Yes those were the days Brad is the brother of a very good friend and I am proud to call the Schell Family as friends. When I first saw what they were working on it was 3 guys is Boulder with a dream. Look at it now. Lessons for us all in their story. Really really sharp people who all seem to have the inate ability to put dreams into reality. Solid folks.
To all of you and even Boo And Kris My intension is to provioke a reaction. I have nothing personal against any of you. I respect what you do and contribute on this forum. It would be a lesser place without all of you. But, When I see BS hyper conservative egotisum "Look at me, Macho energy, titan of industry, Big man" type of attitude my action is to slap it down. No different than Boo, rhankc, Kris. etc... are doing the same to me in kind. Only I take the Punk approach which is in your face calling a spade a spade. A punch in the face to me feels good. All in an effort to make me laugh. Just like all of you you all contribute for your own selfish reasons. weather you admit it or not it is true. My intension is to not prove that I am right it is that you are wrong. My idea of a perfect night is ruining someone elses.
Call it a joke. So I am not off topic here. It is a a joke to me.
None of this is real just another goon of doom in a bar? Nothing new.
If I were to use the ruby forum to beat down the respondants that would really be inapropriate. Perhaps I should try it?
Oh yea a joke.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side.
Stay well
@krisidious said:
ah the surfer dood enlightens us once again with his poor grammar and even worse taste in jokes...you can take your disgusting mind elsewhere, I'm sure you also defend the right of the Nambla Members, although I would like to give you a hint in spelling, I am thinking that Jinny is most likely 15, he's never built a thing in his life,
let's see some of your esteemed work Jinny... anything...
I bet you have nothing...
now go away little fly... go away... before I swat you.
How is this post any different than the ones I have posted to you?
and have been banned for?
Is this what we can all expect from the moderators on this Forum?
Is this threatening rant the best example of how a leader of this community should conduct him?????self?. Look Kris, yes it is true that I am the first to say that I should take more time to edit myself and check my spellinbg and grammer. But really you either get it or you don't And you ma man obviously don't. Yes it is true that I do not use SU in the same way that many of you may. But know this I have used it since V2 am good friends with the founders and have seen it grow from its infancy to what it is today? I am not going to get into a whole my dad is bigger than your dad childish discussion with you on my lack of computer skills. You are the man your work is truely superior to mine on SU. feel better?
I use it from a Home builders perspective. mainly for layout of cabinet walls, furniture plans, etc... Nothing too exciting there.
As far as the NAMBLA thing??? I have no clue as to what greek you are speaking.? Same goes for Blanch jokes? Way over my juvenile head.
Yes it is true that I think you are a rube and the same could be said for boofredlay. My point is that from what I have seen from your writings as well as what you said to me above The idiot is you. You are a sucker, knee jerk, reactionary. incapable of an articulate origional thought. NOT worthy of the post you hold or the stature you enjoy with our community. Just keeping it real.
touchet Architect boy My bad What I should have said are'nt we all human? My bad. But as far as you are concerned... It would not have been offensive to you either. Just a joke in bad taiste. You would have loved it. It was a doosey. A real zinger.
Have a bitchen summer
True enough John
The only thing I miss about the old forum is many of the Mods a few exceptions of coarse. Thank god Mike is still here exactly where he belongs in the bar. Other than that I have not seen too much dignaty in the new forum. Mostly just those like Krishideous and my new nemisis boohoofredlay. Not much metal in the mix.
And boohoofredlay the mother hen says cluck cluck AKA "sure boohoofredlay. You are once again right on the money this is exactly the type of contemptious behavior that we just cannot have." Are'nt we all adults? Please. If I were have to used a 4 letter word or is racist sexist & alike sure edit me away It was none of that So to delete for what I said? All I can say is BS. Grow up Boohoo. Dork. Wanna be moral mod cool guy In fact...
I move to have boofredly elevated to the lofty position of cheif moderator in charge. He's got a ton of posts He is really up on all the topics and really seems like a all around swell sketchuppy guy. Why are you tourturing him by not giving him the lofty title he truely deserves. dork master general.
This is the worst bit of hyper conservative uber thought policing I have ever seen. Nothing there was even remotely offensive to normal folks. It was just a joke. In poor taiste? SURE but a joke by definition just the same. Someone should take Lord boohoofredlaid3times belloved delete button and put it where the sun only shines when Krishideous is in the mood.
By the way you need to wipe.
Since my linguistic pedantry has been exposed, you will understand why this joke holds such appeal for me.
A new guy arrives in town, and wishes to visit the local library. He stops a man on the street and says, "Excuse me. Can you tell me where the library is at?"
The man regards him coolly and says, "You should be ashamed of yourself, ending a sentence with a preposition."
"Oh, I beg your pardon. Can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?"
poster-Gully Foyle
The man is at work his cell ph rings. The doctor at the other end says "You need to come to the hospital ASAP, your wife has been is a car crash.
The man rushes over.
When he arrives the Dr. says. "Well it is not good. She has lost her legs. The extent of her internal injuries means that she has a colostomy bag and she can never have sex again."
Well he is devistated! Woah. with a sigh he hangs his head.
The Dr. Says "I'm only kidding she is dead."
Shuttle Bus:??
Taxi: never ride one
Porter:most the places I stay dont affer this; I poor boy it most the time
Hotel: if I get room service
Pizza/Fast Food:fast food/never or maybe round up the leave the coins, pizza and BBQ are my weaknesses, if I carry out and the pie is well made and stacked high, I will leave a 10%. discount joints like BK, big mac, taco bell, I dont go to those.
Restaurant: this all depends on the attention I get. Even when I am dissatisfied with the service/food, and want to 0 out the tip, I tip 10%, and a note about the service on the bill. I will leave a 15% when the food/service is mediocre, if the waiter is exceptional, and makes my visit enjoyable by keeping the drinks coming and I don't have to ask for stuff twice I'll do 20%+. I tend to frequent the places where food is always good and the service is exceptional.
Hairdresser/Barber: oh yeah...it seems haircuts are overpriced anyway, I like the place where they offer me a drink while I'm waiting, play smooth music and really treat you nice; 30-50%
Manicure:?? who's got time for that?
Masseuse:I wish
Other SPA it has been a few years since I stayed at a place that nice.
@unknownuser said:
People should just be paid properly for the job they are asked to do and it should just be part of published the price of the service,
and when they and do an exceptional service that makes you glad you visited that establishment, they get a generous gratuity;imho
Jackson: LOL about the hotel maids, I think they usually help themselves to whatever is left lying around.
Posted by: Insipidus
Thanks a lot for the tips!
I'll post something when I finish my first attempts at this.
Hello Kannonbal,
I just checked out your site and am very impressed by your QTVR work. I'm trying to start doing this and I'm wondering if you could share some info on how you created the hotspots within the files. Also, how did you add a map button that allowed for quick jumping from hotspot to hotspot. That was too cool!
Is there some software that I should pick up that creates these easily? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and keep up the great work.
where does Alt print screen go when executed?
To the clipboard. Should work. I just tried it.
[Gully Foyle]
Something that most folks aren't aware of is that Alt-PrtScrn (in Windows) captures just the current window, not the entire screen.
Personally, though, I like the screen capture utilities that come with PaintShop Pro and CorelDraw. The one in Corel is probably more powerful--more options for capturing specific screen elements like menus and child windows and cursors and so on. It's a stand-alone utility with a taskbar icon and can save images to the clipboard or to disk. However, I prefer the one in PaintShop Pro; it's simpler, with fewer options, but still fairly capable. It pulls images directly into a concurrent session of PaintShop, where you can crop them, enhance them, resize them, and export them in the image format of your choice.
[Gully Foyle]
I feel the discussions are generally resulting toward name calling and displays of media referred and redistributed out of context and are damaging to the health of the forum. I feel this tolerance displays exemplifies a lack of moderation.
Now we're getting somewhere. I have formulated a considered opinion and a proposed solution:
Your computer at home is a POS. You should replace it immediately.
Glad to help.
poster-Gully Foyle
@unknownuser said:
Well Gully, I don't even see a character number 5654. They start with 03x and go to 983x. Maybe I am dense but I just don't understand what you want me to look for.
Eric, the "x" represents the column number in the table. So character 9654 is in the cell located at Column 4 of Row 965x.
poster-Gully Foyle