So essentially I'm trying to develop a plugin that will take live updating input and perform the task asked for by the user
i'm interested in automating these functions:
-Rotate object
-draw (line, square, circle, etc.)
-stretch object
so as you notice these aren't camera functions, they're actually manipulating an object or creating some virtual image
it'll go something like this:
if cmd=move
select object
take input coordinates that refresh every .5 seconds and move according to the vector created by the inputs
the only thing is.. i'm sort of stuck as to how i can actually get my logic running. can anyone give me some idea or method as to how i can start implementing this idea? I've considered using an animation scheme where you can change the rate at which the object moves and the delta coordinates (difference vector of where to move next), things like that. I've also thought about just using a tool to draw the line every .5 seconds or whatever the interval is to draw a line
do these sound like good ways to approach this task? if not, can someone enlighten me on a more efficient/robust way to accomplish this? Thanks so much!