@tig said:
You did not have to do it this way.
I suggest you uninstall SketchUp and reinstall it properly.
You should always install SketchUp as your normal standard User [note that this User can also be given admin powers in the Users Control Panel - but that is a quite separate matter]
When installing any complex app you must always use 'Run as administrator' from the context menu, otherwise the installer's exe file will not setup SketchUp correctly, and unexpected and weird issues can appear later on...Each user gets their own Plugins folder etc...
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\SketchUp
Hidden by default, but visible with changed Folder-Options, or when path is pasted into Windows Explorer path-bar...
I suggest you also manually remove those, if the uninstall does not do so.
Then reinstall as outlined above...You should NEVER install SketchUp when logged-in as the system administrator.
You should NEVER run SketchUp when logged-in as the administrator.
You should NEVER change the main SketchUp.exe file to run as administrator - this will compromise operations like drag-n-drop images into the SketchUp window - because a lower level process [like Windows Explorer] cannot affect a process running at a hight level [like SketchUp would be had you ill-advisedly elevated its permission level].
I said that badly. I wanted to say that since I'm in a lab with some PCs in the domain, when I launch the installation program, I'm asked to enter the credentials of the user admin of the domain