Works perfect!!
Hi all,
I have done the next things:
Now the component does not have it attibutes anymore, although inside the component I just inserted, there is another component that has the attributes I made...
How can I save my components in order that when I drag and drop this component into the model , it does not appear inside a `dummy' component? (When I open it using the file-open menu, I dont have a problem).
Hello all,
I have selected a array of edges that are all connected
edge1 from point A to B
edge2 from point B to C
edge3 from point D to C
edge4 from point D to A
I like to change the edge3.end and edge3.start so edge3 is going from point C to D.
I tried with reverse! and manually changing the edge3.end.position.x Y and z coordinates, but this doesnt work.
I hope somebody can help me out.
Background: I need to change the direction because in the rest of the code I animate something along these edges. If the 3rd edge is as it is now, animation is not OK.
Hi all,
I am trying to make a model to animate a kind of roller coaster.
Step 1: Select the cart and the path (loose edges) and define which is the cart and what are the edges.
Step 2: Put the edges in order and put them in a array
Step 3: Depending on the time, calculate where the cart should be on the track
Step 4: Move the cart TO the start of the edge it should be
Step 5: Move the cart BY the amount it has already travelled on the edge
Step 6: Rotate the cart TO rotx,y,z = 0
Step 7: Rotate the cart to match rotx, roty and rotz of the edge
My problems start at step 5. I only know how to move by a certain amount, but not how to move to a certain point, whatever the start position was. I thought to do this using a Point3D instead of vector3d object, but this does not work.
The same I have to solve for the rotation.
Then the last question is whether you can get the angles of an edge in an easy way, so without calculating them from the coordinated of start and end point.
Can you guys help me out here?
See below the test code I wrote for the move TO and move BY
model = Sketchup.active_model
ents = model.entities
face= ents.add_face [0,0,0],[5,0,0],[5,5,0], [0,5,0]
face_group = ents.add_group face
clock = 0
timer_id = UI.start_timer(0.1, true) {
if clock <= 100
vvMoveToPoint = [0,0,0]
point = Geom;; vvMoveToPoint
t1 = Geom;; point
vvMoveByVector = [clock/10,clock/10,0]
vector= Geom;; vvMoveByVector
t2 = Geom;; vector
t_all = t1 * t2
face_group = face_group.transform! t_all
UI.stop_timer timer_id
puts "clock is larger than 5 " + clock.to_s
clock = clock + 1
Here I laready tried things like changing the order of t1 and t2...
EDIT: I now also tried to get the coordinates of the group with position, but that doesnt work, I have tried to make a bound for the group and get the position of the bound box, but that doesnt work neither. Maybe I have to save in a variable which tranlations and rotations I have done with the group, but that seems strange.. SU should have some information of where the group is, no??
EDIT 2: I got the thing working, but with the method where I store the performed transformation in variables, to transform it back later. I supose there are better ways to do this, so I am open for suggestions... The challenge I have now is to introduce several carts that travel together, so I will be busy for a while..
model = Sketchup.active_model
ents2 = model.entities
ents = model.selection # selection in future
viNumberOfEdges = ents.count-1
puts "NumberOfEdges" + viNumberOfEdges.to_s
cart = ents.find { |ent| ent.typename.to_s == "ComponentInstance"}
path = []
path = ents
path.remove [cart]
vesPath = []
path.each {|item|
if item.typename=="Edge"
vesPath = vesPath + [item]
end }
puts "First element of vesPath" + vesPath[4].to_s
vesOrderedPath = []
vesOrderedPath = vesOrderedPath + [vesPath[0]] #First element has to be filled, but not used
vesOrderedPath = vesOrderedPath + [vesPath[0]]
vesPath = vesPath - [vesOrderedPath[1]]
i = 1
veLast = vesOrderedPath[1]
while i <= viNumberOfEdges
vvEnd = veLast.end
veNext = vesPath.find {|edge| edge.start == vvEnd || edge.end == vvEnd }
vesOrderedPath = vesOrderedPath + [veNext]
vesPath = vesPath - [veNext]
veLast = veNext
i = i + 1
i = 1
ents2 = model.entities
vrsLength = [0]
vrsLengthAcc = [0]
vrTotalLength = 0.0
vrLength = 0.0
while i <= vesOrderedPath.size-2
vrLength = vesOrderedPath[i].length
vrsLength = vrsLength + [vrLength]
vrTotalLength = vrTotalLength + vrLength
vrsLengthAcc = vrsLengthAcc + [vrTotalLength]
i = i + 1
vrSpeed = 0.1
posCartx = 0.0
posCarty = 0.0
posCartz = 0.0
rotx = 0.0
roty = 0.0
rotz = 0.0
clock = 0.0
timer_id = UI.start_timer(0.5, true) {
if clock <= 500
# define vector to get back to origin
vvMoveToPoint = [-posCartx ,-posCarty ,-posCartz ]
point = Geom;; vvMoveToPoint
t0 = Geom;; point
# define rotation back
trb_x = Geom;;Transformation.rotation [posCartx ,posCarty ,posCartz],
[1, 0, 0],-rotx
trb_z = Geom;;Transformation.rotation [posCartx ,posCarty ,posCartz],
[0, 0, 1],-rotz
# define starting point
vrDistInLap = clock*vrSpeed%vrTotalLength
vrTemp = vrsLengthAcc.find {|acc| acc>vrDistInLap}
viEdgeID = vrsLengthAcc.index vrTemp
vrTravelledOnOtherEdges = vrsLengthAcc[viEdgeID -1]
vrTravelOnEdge = vrDistInLap - vrTravelledOnOtherEdges
veCurrentEdge = vesOrderedPath[viEdgeID]
px = veCurrentEdge.start.position.x
py = veCurrentEdge.start.position.y
pz = veCurrentEdge.start.position.z
vvMoveToPoint = [px,py,pz]
point = Geom;; vvMoveToPoint
t1 = Geom;; point
# update location
posCartx = px
posCarty = py
posCartz = pz
# define vector
factor = ( vrTravelOnEdge/ veCurrentEdge.length.to_inch)
vx_tot = veCurrentEdge.end.position.x.to_inch - veCurrentEdge.start.position.x.to_inch
vy_tot = veCurrentEdge.end.position.y.to_inch - veCurrentEdge.start.position.y.to_inch
vz_tot = veCurrentEdge.end.position.z.to_inch - veCurrentEdge.start.position.z.to_inch
vx = vx_tot * factor
vy = vy_tot * factor
vz = vz_tot * factor
vvMoveByVector = [vx,vy,vz]
vector= Geom;; vvMoveByVector
t2 = Geom;; vector
posCartx = posCartx + vx
posCarty = posCarty + vy
posCartz = posCartz + vz
rotx = Math.asin(vz_tot/veCurrentEdge.length.to_inch)
tr_x = Geom;;Transformation.rotation [posCartx ,posCarty ,posCartz],
[1, 0, 0],rotx
rotz = Math.asin(vx_tot/veCurrentEdge.length.to_inch)
if vy > 0
rotz = -rotz
tr_z = Geom;;Transformation.rotation [posCartx ,posCarty ,posCartz],
[0, 0, 1],rotz
t_all = tr_z * tr_x * t2 * t1 * t0 * trb_x * trb_z
cart = cart.transform! t_all
UI.stop_timer timer_id
puts "clock is larger than 5 " + clock.to_s
clock = clock + 1
Code only works when you select one group (block that is centered on the origin) and a loop of edges before executing it