Thanks Bill. I'll try your suggestions.
RE: Problem importing 3ds max models into SU
Problem importing 3ds max models into SU
I purchased some Evermotion furniture models that I open in 3DS Max and had hoped to export into SU. However, each time I import the 3dsMax model into SU, the model is exploded. For example, if it's a chair, the arms, the seat and the back of the chair are not in their proper position. Also, some of the poly lines of the mesh are missing.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? How can I import these models?
Ok...there's a reason they call guys like me a "newbie". I set my units in Max to "architectural-inches" and exported as a 3ds object. I don't know where in SU to check my "import" units. Can you tell me where I'd find that because the 3ds object is still separated.
The import dialog says it imported a material, but the object does have it applied....???
@solo said:
The quick answer:
Make sure your export units from Max and your import units into SU are the same.
When your model imports look at the import dialogue in the errors it will ask for an image file in order to map the texture, write down the name of the texture it's looking for, then navigate to the folder where the model and maps are and rename the maps according to what SU is looking for.
Thanks Solo for the quick reply!
When I import a 3ds object, the object is disassembled????? For example, when I import a 3ds chair into SketchUp, the legs, cushions and main body of the chair are apart from each other. The object remains a component, but within the component the parts are separated.
Also, how do make sure the texture maps and colors of the object are also imported so that they show up with the same import command?