This is how it's done. click on dmg and when you see it mount click on the word Kerkythea, to see Kerkythea .pkg right click show package contents, click om contents. find Archive.pax.gz and unpack it to either apps folder or new folder in my docs and call it KT or something, there you will see folders for material, globales,and more. To start KT you will need to click on Unix icon Kerkythea (not Kerkythea.ini) this will open program.BUT to open a SU file in KT you will need SU2KT 3.17 0n this page and install it like any other plugin.When you export your first SU model it will ask you where is unix Kerkythea, navigate to folder where all the folders and unix icon Kerkythea are if you followed this procedure it will work for any ver. OSX if you have ? or problems report back here. Believe me when I say I lke KT it's powerful it's FREE but you got a lot of learning and reading to do to get good at it You might want to try Twilight render written by the same folks as KT and big brother Thea render. There's lots of people here that use it and KT has a decent forum but not as it was back in 2007 and 2008 Walt