@mbarker I've replied to you in a PM I just tried it on v2024 and it works fine... although most of it is over a decade old ! It imports a text file with a camera-view on each line. The camera-view entry must be as follows... name,xeye,yeye,zeye,xtarget,ytarget,ztarget,rollangle,fovangle there can be an optional value added after 'fovangle': ,image But you probably aren't wanting to use that. The values in the entry must be separated with the constants that are set in the RB file: Edit the ICVSEP and ICDSEP constants to suit your typical file's locale value-separator [' ',;:\t] and decimal.separator [. or ,]... In the example I show it's as a comma , separator and a . You might use a space or ; and a , to suit locale. Please check you are setting up you file correctly. As I said it works fine given the correct input. To attach an RB file just drop it into the message TIGimportcamera.rb There are donation buttons against many authors entries in the PluginStore and ExtensionStore³