Hi sorry for the confusing question but mabye this will help, forget about what i said regarding the gimp.
this may be more clear.
i can get an image from sketchup on to word as a 2d graphic and it has the usual option box around it for scaling it etc.
now i want to copy and paste other images on top of this.
when i try to do it it wont let me copy and paste any grouped shapes on top it just inserts them above the sketchup image as another image.
it will let me draw the line art stuff like lines etc on top and that is fine but i need to add the images rather than line art.??
hope this makes it any clearer??
RE: Pasting other images on top of sketchup image
Pasting other images on top of sketchup image
Hello there i am new to sketch up i just recently found it on the web and thought it may have some advantages for my work.
I do have one quick question though i have found a lot of tutorials on the web that are proving a great help to me but cant find anything about this,
if i make an image on sketchup can i save it as some type of file and then paste/insert it on word and then add images from excel on top of the sketchup image.I know if the excel images are not cut well then there might be white boxes around them all but i think i can get this sorted by importing them to gimp and cutting them out with biezer then re saving them. so am wondering if i can do this by cutting and pasting on word rather than have to get gimp on the work computer as well as i dont5 think the IT dept will put it on for me its taken a month to talkthem into putting sketchup on!
in the long run i will make up all the images on sketchup anyway but this is just to tide me by just now i know it will look a bit naff having a 3d sketchup image with 2d ones pasted all over it but it will do in the short term