@lurch23 said:

Please help, I am an absolute newbie with Sketchup so I really don't have any clue as to what I am doing. I am trying to import an obj file with its mtl file and textures but all it keeps loading is just the obj file without the textures. This is what I am trying to import with,TIG: Import OBJ with Materials v2.2[/b], I have also tried the obj importer from Simlab.
You should have two files named **xxx**.OBJ and **xxx**.MTL, and a subfolder of texture image files - named ' **xxx**', or sometimes perhaps ' **xxx**_Textures'.
It's usual to have all three with a common name and all located in the same folder...
Depending on where you got the OBJ file from, you might need to edit the files with Notepad++ [or equivalent plain-text editor on MAC] and check the format of those files is correct.
Some downloaded OBJ's are badly formatted and files/images can be missing !

The OBJ file will have a line near its start, looking for the MTL file:
mtllib **xxx.mtl**
Ensure it is looking for the correctly named MTL file, in the same location as the OBJ itself.

The MTL file will in turn be looking for the necessary image files, so again also ensure that the subfolder's paths in the file are correct, the paths will occur once for each texture's image so you might need to edit several lines - or perhaps rename the images' subfolder to match the MTL text - whichever is the simplest !
Also check that the image files that are listed have the correctly named equivalent files in the subfolder...
Typical MTL line example:
map_Kd **xxx/**MyLovelyTexture1.jpg

After editing the files, save and close, and retry the importing...