To Pav 3j, Igor and Mike thanks so much for your feedback, I am glad you like these images. There are another 16 renders of this space - I just sent out the CD to my web designer yesterday, so hopefully they will be on my website by week's end. Mike D - I have posted to the Artlantis site, and they have added some of my images to their gallery, but thanks so much for the suggestion. As for the computer that I use - it is a Mac G5 running OSX with a Intel Xeon processor - it is on loan to me from a very good friend. Even with all that power, it still gets bogged down from time to time. For large models like this one, I have to break it up in Sketch Up, and then piece it back together in Artlantis. Usually, after that point, everything works fine. I would also invite you guys (and anyone else that may be interested) to visit my blog at: Basically, it is a page for people to exchange ideas - it is all explained in the first post. Thanks again for your comments.