@lights1 said:


Thank You for providing the detailed evidence based explanation. I was going mad!

I will change the precision to 0.000000


Just remember, you'll probably want to change it back to something coarser if you need to add dimensions for display. I would make a template that includes the higher precision and disabled length snapping so that it doesn't need to be changed for each model.

@lights1 said:

And locate the plug in that allows for coordinate tracking like your screenshots.

No plugin required for that. That's just the native Text tool. In order to get coordinates displayed you have to click on endpoints and you have to be in the same context as the endpoints. That is, you have to have the group/component open for editing.

@lights1 said:

I'm done for the day, but will start fresh tomorrow with purpose!

You have literally just made my day,night,week & month. Thank You.

Nothing like a glitch to bring one back down to earth. lol

I'm happy that helped. It's nice to know I made someone's day, too. Good luck when you get back to it.